Funding Opportunities Early March

Grant Deadlines:

Apply by April 1 - The Water Quality Control Division has an additional $325,000 in grant funding to help public water systems complete the initial service line inventory and lead service line replacement plans. The division is accepting applications for this final round of funding until April 1, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. The division will prioritize projects that will lead to the timely submission of initial service line inventories and lead service line replacement plans by the due date of October 16, 2024. The division encourages interested applicants to attend a training offered by the division's Local Assistance Unit on March 7 to learn about the requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. Please visit this page to learn more about the training and to register. Announcement: Increased grant funding available for Service Line Inventory and Lead Service Line Replacement Planning. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information on grant funding and application materials, please visit our website.

WaterSMART Planning and Project Design Grants.  Applications Due: April 2, 2024

(1) Water Strategy Grants to conduct planning activities to improve water supplies.

(2) Project Design Grants to conduct project-specific design for projects to improve water management.

(3) Comprehensive Drought Contingency Plans. Note that funding to develop a water marketing strategy – formerly funded through Water Marketing Strategy Grants.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The spring application period opens on February 29th and closes on April 30th. - Colorado Outdoor Regional Partnerships Funding Program. Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) and Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) are collaborating to fund new and existing coalitions to join a statewide initiative working to ensure that Colorado’s land, water, and wildlife thrive while also providing for equitable and quality outdoor recreation experiences. See a map and read stories from the outdoor partnerships at the Regional Partnerships Initiative Story Map  Interested applicants are encouraged to review the grant guidelines and then contact Morgan Anderson, Regional Partnership Program Manager, to discuss details.

EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants  — Rolling Applications until November 21, 2024 — EPA’s new Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program (Community Change Grants) has announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity for approximately $2 billion dollars in Inflation Reduction Act funds in environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. These place-based investments will be focused on community-driven initiatives to be responsive to community and stakeholder input. 

  • EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grant  — Technical Assistance — Technical Assistance (TA) assists eligible applicants to apply for and use EPA grant funding. Through EPA's Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights, eligible entities can receive TA in all stages of the Community Change Grants. This includes application support, capacity building, project planning, and more. There are two TA programs for the Community Change Grants: 1) Community Change Technical Assistance, and 2) Community Change Equitable Resilience Technical Assistance. To learn more about TA for the Community Change Grants, click here.

  • Environmental Protection Network (EPN) 6-Step Application Process for EPA’s Community Change Grants — To help applicants submit applications for EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants, EPN has created a suggested 6-step application process for Track I and Track II, including a suggested timeline. To view the suggested processes, click here.

  • EPN Community Change Grants Program Partner and Assistance Survey — EPN created a survey which organizations can use to find partners and share information about the EPA Community Change Grants, including whether they can give or would like assistance completing the application. This survey is NOT an EPA survey and EPA did not assist with its development. To complete the survey or view responses, click here.

Grant Programs:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is allocating $550 million from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to expedite investments to reduce pollution in disproportionately impacted communities. Grant funding will be available through the EPA’s new Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (EJ TCGM) program. This new program will fund up to 11 entities to serve as grantmakers to community-based projects that reduce pollution. Grantmakers will work collaboratively with the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights. Grantees will develop an efficient, simplified process so that organizations that historically have faced barriers to receiving funding can more seamlessly apply for subgrants and address environmental harms and risks. The following types of organizations can apply:

  • A community-based nonprofit organization;

  • A partnership of community-based nonprofit organizations;

  • A partnership between a Tribal Nation and a community-based nonprofit organization; or,

  • A partnership between an institution of higher education and a community-based nonprofit organization.

The Department of Local Affairs in Colorado has launched the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program for small, community-based nonprofits serving underrepresented communities. The program aims to support infrastructure and capacity-building by providing funds for strategic planning, professional development and technology. Eligible nonprofits with budgets between $150,000 and $2,000,000 can apply from July 5 to August 31, 2023. Grants totaling $33,100,000 will be awarded, with selected organizations receiving up to $100,000. Interested applicants should contact their Regional Access Partner for assistance and submit applications through them. Grant recipients will be notified by January 31, 2024, and the program seeks to help nonprofits enhance their impact on historically marginalized communities.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants — Rolling application window open — The USDA Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants program supports eligible communities prepare, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water. Eligible applicants must show a decline in quantity or quality of water that occurred within two years of the date of the application or that a significant decline in quality or quantity of water is imminent.

Federal Technical Assistance Grants. As part of the American Rescue Plan Act, a total of $5 million in federal funding has been allocated for technical assistance grants that will enable eligible entities to work with the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) contractors or to hire contractors to expand their capacity and expertise, in pursuit of federal funding opportunities that directly support the Colorado Water Plan objectives. The allowable uses of this grant funding are broad in scope, to allow for the wide range of federal opportunities available. Funding can be used for: preliminary project planning and design, preliminary permitting, development of estimated project costs, navigation of available federal opportunities, grant writing, and federal grant application submittal. Rolling application deadline.

FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs are provided to eligible applicant states/tribes/territories that, in turn, provide sub-grants to local governments. The applicant selects and prioritizes applications developed and submitted to them by local jurisdictions to submit to FEMA for grant funds. Prospective sub-applicants should consult the official designated point of contact for their applicant state/tribe/territory for further information regarding specific program and application requirements.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure.

City of Ft. Collins Nature in the City Planning Grants. Have an idea for a nature play area, outdoor gathering space, or pollinator restorations? The Dream it Up Project Planning grants can help you and your community plan out your dream project. Anyone from HOA's, faith-based organizations, affordable housing communities, and even schools are welcome and encouraged to apply. Get started!

Colorado Environmental Justice Grants Program - Community Solutions to Improve Environmental Health. This grant opportunity was created by the Environmental Justice Act to provide funding to communities disproportionately impacted by pollution and climate change. The Environmental Justice Advisory Board oversees the EJ Grants Program and will serve as the selection committee for the grants. You can apply for this grant if you are part of a: non-profit organization, local government, federally-recognized Tribal government, university, other educational institution, for-profit corporation, or grassroots organization.

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Programs include the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP), Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), and the Watershed Operations PL-566 Program.

Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) - CDPHE’s SWAP program's main objective is to minimize potential contaminant threats to public drinking water supplies. To engage in this effort, public water systems and governmental entities can apply for a $5,000 protection planning grant through the SWAP program. The SWAP program also supports Wildland Fire Decision Support System work and post-wildfire recovery efforts. SWAP program staff assisted in the development of the Post Fire Playbook to assist local recovery groups in navigating the complexities surrounding post-wildfire recovery. For more information visit the SWAP page.

Water Quality Grants and Loans Unit - CDPHE’s Grants and Loans Unit offers small community grants and water quality improvement fund grants to protect public health and water quality. They also administer the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program to finance the design and construction of public drinking water and wastewater infrastructure projects. More information on eligible drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater projects is available on the water quality grants and loans page.

The Colorado River District’s Community Funding Partnership was created in 2021 to fund multi-purpose water projects on the Western Slope in five project categories: productive agriculture, infrastructure, healthy rivers, watershed health and water quality, and conservation and efficiency. Funding for the program was approved by Western Colorado voters as part of ballot question 7A in November 2020. These funds provide a catalyst for projects that are priorities for residents in the District to receive matching funds from state, federal and private sources. Click here for more information and to apply.

The Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) was created after the devastating 2020 fire season by the Colorado legislature through the bi-partisan supported SB21-258 in the summer of 2021. COSWAP is designed to quickly move $17.5 million state stimulus dollars to start on-the-ground work on fuels reduction projects and increase Colorado's capacity to conduct critical forest restoration and wildfire mitigation work that will increase community resilience and protect life, property and infrastructure. Learn more about these opportunities here.

Click here to access the funding opportunity on and download the complete Notice of Funding Opportunity (also searchable using the opportunity number R23AS00089).

Colorado Water Conservation Board has compiled this database to serve as a tool for people and organizations across Colorado to navigate all available funding opportunities for water projects in a single place.

A list of state, federal and private funding available for a wide variety of wildfire mitigation projects including Watershed Health.

Trainings & Workshops Early March

March 19th, 2024 | Certification 101: You Can Become a Certified Environmental Educator Webinar | CAEE. The certification program sets specific standards of knowledge, skills, and experience that highly qualified Environmental Educators in Colorado should be able to demonstrate. It is a competency based program - one where the applicant will demonstrate what they know and can do by building a portfolio. The competencies for Certification are based on the NAAEE Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education and Colorado Guidelines for Environmental Educators. You can build your portfolio individually, at your own pace or participate in CAEE's online course!

March 21, 2024 | Water Law in a Nutshell | Eagle River Coalition. This seminar will cover all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject matter includes the appropriation, perfection, use, limitations, attributes, abandonment and enforcement of various types of water rights. Additional subject matter will include special rules for groundwater and reservoirs, public rights in appropriated water, interstate compacts and more.

April 15th-17th, 2024 | After the Flames | Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. After the Flames is a first-of-its-kind Conference and Workshop devoted to post-fire recovery. Attendees represent individuals, organizations, and agencies impacted by wildfire and responding to the post-fire impacts, as well as experts in the arena of post-fire recovery.

Leave No Trace 101 Course. This is an introduction to Leave No Trace and the actions we can collectively take to protect our planet. In this course we share helpful information with a simple framework of minimum impact practices to apply when spending time outdoors.

Watershed Academy’s new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module Ready - The EPA Watershed Academy has released their new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module. This module is intended for water quality and hazard mitigation professionals that are interested in integrating water quality issues and/or nature-based solutions into state or local Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs), and highlights the benefits of working across water quality and hazard mitigation programs. Modules in this series can be used as training tools to help planners from both worlds explore activities of mutual interest and benefit. Case studies and examples are provided to assist hazard mitigation planners with integrating water resource programs into HMPs and help watershed planners understand the synergies between water resource plans and HMPs.Visit this link to begin the course!

Colorado Water and the American West teaches students about the rich history of water in the Western United States, how native communities used it, and the American approach to water management. The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In the American West, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River, now listed as one of the most endangered rivers in America. MSU Denver developed the non credit Professional Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Taught by MSU Denver faculty, courses are one month long, fully online, and self-paced to accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership presents 14 videos to help community members learn about how water is managed, restored and monitored in the upper Uncompahgre River watershed. Take advantage of this education resource to learn about your watershed including mine reclamation, water monitoring, recreational use, water conservation, drinking water and waste water treatment and distribution, aquatic life, water scarcity, agricultural use, management, infrastructure, and more. Watch the video series here.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers live and online courses that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

Non-standard MS4 Permit PDD Template and Program Strategy Templates. SPLASH members and SEMSWA worked with CP Compliance to create resources to educate permittees. It may also assist permittees with implementation of the new Non-standard MS4 Permit. Please click HERE to access the material.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.

Conferences & Events Early March

March 16th, 2024 | Winter Walk: Critters in the Cold | City of Fort Collins. Did you ever wonder where Colorado wildlife hides from the cold and snow?  What about snakes, frogs, and mice?  We will talk about these and maybe spot a few hardy critters who don’t mind the wintry weather.  This will be an relatively easy 2-mile round trip hike on an unpaved surface, from Coyote Ridge parking lot to the cabin and back (one large hill in each direction). Be aware that a restroom is not available until the cabin area. Dress in layers, avoiding cotton fabric.  Warm, water repellant footwear with good tread is recommended.

March 16th, 2024 | Skygazing | Fossil Creek Reservoir Natural Area. Volunteers from the Northern Colorado Astronomical Society provide telescopes and share their knowledge about the stars, planets, galaxies, and more.

March 21st-23rd | Ways of Understanding and Protecting Land and Water Resources in the Grand Staircase-Escalante Region. We are pleased to announce the 3rd annual symposium on the Grand Staircase-Escalante region. It will be a hybrid meeting with in-person activities at the Escalante Interagency Visitor Center (755 W. Main St., Escalante, UT) and a live Zoom broadcast. The symposium aims to bring together land managers, Tribes, researchers, conservation groups, and interested members of the public to gain knowledge and discuss multiple perspectives on land and water, ecosystem management issues, and ways people engage with the landscape. You can view the full agenda here (and below). Can't make it in person? Register for virtual participation here.

April 2nd-3rd, 2024 | Water Workfoce Summit | Colorado Water Center. Join the Colorado Water Center for the first ever Colorado Water Workforce Summit! Day 1 is a conference-style gathering to identify Colorado’s most urgent water workforce needs and education/training gaps, build synergies between sectors and organizations, and develop next steps for water workforce development. Day 2 features a Water Career and Education Fair designed to connect students with water-related employment and training opportunities. This program is ideal for water industry & employers, water-related educators & trainers, workforce development specialists, and students across Colorado.

April 10th, 2024 | Society of Wetland Scientists Rocky Mountain Chapter Annual Meeting. Registration open & call for abstracts 

April 12th, 2024 | Spring Conference | CAEE. Join CAEE for the Spring Conference to explore the intersection between Social Emotional Learning and Student-Centered and Nature-Centered Practices. We will explore innovative ways to engage students in a learning environment that is not only designed to help them acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Expect a day filled with inspiring discussions, hands-on workshops, and a chance to connect with educators across the state!

April 13th, 2024 | Poudre River Cleanup | Coalition for the Poudre River. Spend your Saturday morning with the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW) and Odell Brewing Co, April 13, 9-11am, for a river cleanup in Old Town, Fort Collins. Volunteers will be led by experienced crew leaders and all safety equipment and supplies will be provided by CPRW and Odell's. After the cleanup, stick around Odell's for a River Appreciation Day event from 11am-3pm.

April 15th-17th, 2023 | Partners in the Outdoors | Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Save the date. The Partners in the Outdoors Conference is Colorado's foremost opportunity to cultivate common ground, explore best practices of partnering, and design collaborative solutions with diverse voices and stakeholders to conserve Colorado's outdoor heritage. Our annual conference has quickly become one of the signature events in Colorado bringing together organizations, agencies, schools, businesses and communities engaged in the future of Colorado's conservation and outdoor recreational opportunities.

May 13th, 2024 | Trees in the West | CSU Spur. Join for a one-day conference exploring complex and shared sustainability challenges for urban forests in the Western US from diverse perspectives. Connect with your colleagues, learn from experts, and share your insights. Save the date!

May 13-14th, 2023 | River Rally. The joyful and deeply moving experience of River Rally combats feelings of isolation, overwhelm, and burnout for network members working at the intersection of water and justice and ignites collective action and power for the work ahead.  River Network is able to provide many registrants with financial assistance to attend River Rally! Support will range from partial to full registration support, with additional assistance for travel and lodging based on need. Applications will be accepted through February 8, 2024.

May 22nd-24th, 2024 | Rocky Mountain Mining & Reclamation Conference | Mountain Studies Institute. The event will be hosted at a variety of iconic Leadville locations, including Freight, Colorado Mountain College, and Tabor Opera House. There will be a keynote and meet and greet on the evening of Wednesday, May 22nd. Thursday, May 23rd, will be technical talks followed by a reception. Lastly, a variety of tours are scheduled for Friday, May 24th.

June 5th-7th, 2023 | Western Slope Rural Philanthropy Days. Save the date. The Western Slope Rural Philanthropy Days (RPD) conference will be hosted June 5-7, 2024 in Fruita! This opportunity only occurs once every four years in the Western Slope region, serving Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Pitkin, and Mesa counties. 

September 11th-13th, 2023 | San Luis Rural Philanthropy Days. Save the date.

September 20th, 2024 | The Colorado River District’s Annual Water Seminar. Save the date.

October 4th-6th, 2024 | Rocky Mountain Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip. Come explore the paleoclimatology and geomorphology of central Utah! This Friends of the Pleistocene (FOP) trip is motivated by recent and ongoing research into how one of the world’s greatest landscapes developed. Presenters will focus on Quaternary features and highlight recent and ongoing research into how the extraordinary features of this region developed.

Announcements Early March

March 5, 2024 – This week, the Upper Division States of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming submitted to the Bureau of Reclamation an Alternative for Post-2026 Operations of Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The UDS Alternative proposes operations for Lake Powel and Lake Mead designed to help provide water supply certainty and sustainability in the face of a drying and uncertain future.” The full press release is linked here.

Transform your yard by planting a beautiful, waterwise Garden In A Box this spring. Professionally designed for Colorado yards, these kits are super easy to install. They can also help you save around 7,300 gallons of water over the garden’s lifetime compared to a traditional grass lawn.

City of Fort Collins Utilities customers are eligible for a $25 discount when they purchase one or more of the mostly native boxes: Colorado Oasis, Native Shadows and Golden Hour. A limited number of discounts are available, so order yours today!

Get notified of closures on your phone through the COTREX app! From the COTREX app, select the natural area you want notifications about. Then, select "follow this area". That's it! You will now get notifications to your phone based on your app's settings.

The Alliance for Collective Action has released their 2023 impact report.

National Science Foundation water quality study includes Yampa River

CPRW Forest Program Manager, Daniel Bowker, was excited to contribute to this new guide that outlines Best Management Practices (BMPs) to prevent, reduce or mitigate adverse water quality impacts from forest management activities. An electronic version is available on the CSFS publications page. Hard copies are available at CSFS Field Offices located throughout the state.

Job Announcements Early March

Yampa Valley Sustainability Council is hiring a Director of Development. This senior-level staff position will play a pivotal role in advancing YVSC’s mission and strategic growth ahead by developing, leading and overseeing the organization’s overall development function, focusing in particular on developing and implementing (i) an overall development plan for the organization; (ii) a strategic plan for major gifts fundraising; and (iii) key fundraising strategies (e.g. capital campaigns, planned giving, etc.) needed to achieve overall development goals. To apply, please submit cover letter, CV/resume and list of three professional references to by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on March 15, 2024.

Larimer Conservation District is hiring a seasonal Field Technician. This position will Work with LCD staff to conduct pre- and post-project monitoring of forest structure, understory vegetation, and noxious weed treatments at project sites. Please submit all application materials by March 18, 2024 for full consideration.

Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center is hiring an Environmental Educator. The Environmental Education Specialist is a part-time non-exempt position (up to 25 hours/week) that reports to the Program Director. This position is primarily responsible for work with our school-age programs but will staff occasional programs for the general public as well. This position will co-facilitate NWDC’s outdoor-based, nature education programs for elementary- middle school age students and have the option to facilitate various events, other programs as needed.

The Alliance for Collective Action is seeking a Regenerative Agriculture Program Manager. Transitioning to regenerative agricultural practices is one of the most effective solutions to addressing the climate crisis. The Regenerative Agriculture Program Manager will be responsible for developing and advancing the agricultural work of The Coalition for a Regenerative Future.  This is a unique opportunity that will allow you to join a trailblazing network of change agents who are working to build Colorado forward towards a more equitable and climate-smart future! Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

The Alliance for Collective Action is seeking a Front Desk Assistant. The Front Desk Assistant is responsible for setting an individual’s first impression of The Alliance Center, our LEED Platinum coworking and event space. This is a critical position and we are looking for a unique person to join our team who is adept at engaging people as well as providing key backend administrative support to enable increased operational efficiencies. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Water Education Colorado is seeking a Membership and Development Manager. Ideal candidates share our passion and commitment to the future of water, recognizing the value of our policy-neutral approach to building a water-aware Colorado and informing decision making and civic engagement at all levels. They are gifted at communicating organizational vision and impact, and have a successful track record in raising funds from diverse revenue sources. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Sand Creek Regional Greenway is hiring an Outdoor Equity and Volunteer Program Manager. The Outdoor Equity and Volunteer Program Coordinator will work alongside the Development Director to build deeper, authentic relationships with communities near and along the Sand Creek Regional Greenway. The Outdoor Equity and Volunteer Program Coordinator is responsible for the management and support of the SCRGP's Community Vision and Equity Program (CVEP) as well as the development and continuation of SCRGP’s volunteer programs. Resumes are accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

CSU Spur has several position openings. Including: education associate, environmental compliance intern, lead clinician and more. View all of the open positions here.

Colorado Water Conservation Board is seeking a Project Manager (Engineer). This position exists to provide technical assistance to the work unit during all phases of water project promoting, planning, financing, contracting, design, and construction with an emphasis on the evaluation of the technical and financial feasibility of the construction of water projects.

Colorado Water Congress is seeking a Colorado River Project Coordinator.The Colorado River Project Coordinator represents Colorado River water users in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah in the implementation of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program. A broad coalition of twenty-three water users in Colorado and Utah provide funding for a Coordinator through the Colorado Water Congress Colorado River Project. Each contributing water user is a member of the Project’s Executive Committee and provides guidance and direction to the Project Coordinator and is kept informed of Recovery Program activities through regular meetings with and correspondence from the Coordinator.