Conference Presentations Available for Download Below
Plenary Session 1
Riverside Ballroom
Change in leadership/change in approach? - New department heads speak to their biggest priorities and Colorado's best opportunities for the sustainability of our watersheds
Dan Gibbs, Executive Director Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Jill Hunsaker Ryan, Executive Director Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Kate Greenberg, Commissioner, Department of Agriculture
Amy Beatie, Colorado Deputy Attorney General, Natural Resources and Environment
Plenary Session 2
Riverside II, III, & IV
Working smarter - Technical perspectives on policy and regulation in managing Colorado watersheds
Dr. Colin Thorne, Chair of Geography, University of Nottingham
Dr. Janine Castro, Geomorphologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Round table discussion with speakers from both sessions
Keynote Address
Downriver: Into the Future of Water in the West
Heather Hansman