NOVEMBER 2nd & 3rd, 2016: The Sixth Annual Upper Colorado River Basin Forum will be held at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction. The theme is"Complex Systems in Flux: Changing Relationships between Water, People and the Environment." More information is available here.
NOVEMBER 9th, 2016: Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK) Untapped 2016, a mini beer tasting extravaganza. This event will be held at the RedLine Art Gallery, 2350 Arapahoe St., Denver, CO, 80205, from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm. For more information and tickets go to
NOVEMBER 9th, 2016: StoryEarth with Odds Bodkin & Martin Ogle - A story telling event. Can a symbiosis of story and science help guide us toward thriving, long-term human life on Planet Earth? "StoryEarth," a thought-provoking stage performance, combines epic storytelling, scientific discourse and conversation to ask big questions: Are ancient stories about humanity and Earth still relevant? Is science suggesting new stories, and, if so, how will old and new stories evolve together? This evening will mesmerize, entertain, and awaken new possibilities! Master storyteller, Odds Bodkin brings a folklore tale and the ancient myth of Gaia – the Earth Goddess of ancient Greece – to life for a modern audience with his prodigious skills as a storyteller and musician. Naturalist & Earth scientist, Martin Ogle, asks the audience to internalize the raw, adult interpretation of the Greek origin myth and blend it with the newest scientific understandings of humans and Earth to sense and help create a new, emerging story. This performance is from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the University of Colorado, Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex (SEEC) Auditorium, 4001 Discovery Drive. To purchase tickets click HERE.
NOVEMBER 9th - 11th, 2016: Strengthening Collaborative Capacity for Better Water Decisions at the Sylvan Dale Ranch, Loveland Colorado. Good water policy decisions require decision-making processes that encourage collaboration and consensus building as well as best practices and skills to find solutions that are in the best interest of communities, the environment, and stakeholders interested in water allocation. The future of water in Colorado and the West requires the best collaborative problem-solving and consensus building skills available. This interactive workshop is designed to strengthen capacity among water leaders and professionals to design and implement highly functioning collaborative processes and apply them to practical and complex issues affecting Colorado and the West. For more information click HERE.
NOVEMBER 10th, 2016: Wildfire Collaboration Conference: Working Better Together with FireWise of Southwest Colorado from 8:30 am – 11:30 am at the Durango Recreation Center, 2700 Main Ave., Durango, CO 81301. Being a resident of the wildland-urban interface has many benefits as well as risks. Those that choose to live in or near a wildland environment have a higher associated risk and personal responsibility for the safety of their families as well as their property, pets, and livestock. Understanding the wildland environment you are a part of is a large part of being firewise. For more information visit the FireWise of Southwest Colorado website.
NOVEMBER 16th, 2016: Colorado Groundwater Conference at the Doubletree by Hilton, Denver, 3203 Quebec Street, Denver 80207. This is a one-day conference for state legislators, local government officials, water managers, regulators, environmental organizations, agriculture, industry and water utility end users and their scientific, engineering and legal advisors. Topics will include managing groundwater in Denver Basin aquifers, water banking, water reallocation and water rights trading In Colorado. Click HERE for more information.
NOVEMBER 17th, 2016: 2016 Water Educator Symposium - Innovative Water Education in the 21st Century: Visual storytelling, using technology to share Colorado’s Water Stories from 8:15 am - 4:30 pm in Keystone, CO. Join the Water Educator Network of the Colorado Foundation for Water Education to explore exemplary visual storytelling techniques for water and river education and outreach. Presenters include Will Inveen, Director of Education at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority in Australia; Tracy Ferdin, creator of the Waters to the Sea program at Hamline University; the Open Water Foundation, Open Media Foundation, and others. Learn how you can implement visual storytelling using technology to expand your message and reach new audiences across Colorado and beyond. Register HERE.
NOVEMBER 17th, 2016: The Great Divide - Film Screening and Fundraiser for the Colorado Water Trust, from 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the SIE FilmCenter, 2510 East Colfax Ave., Denver. If you haven't yet seen the film The Great Divide, this is your chance to see it on the big screen! And proceeds from the event will support the Water Trust! "The destiny of the West is written in the headwaters of Colorado...In this time of increasing demand and limited supply, it is essential to promote a more informed and inclusive discussion concerning decisions affecting our water resources." For tickets go to the SIE FilmCenter Website.
NOVEMBER 17th, 2016: Colorado Water Supply Systems Workshop at the Doubletree by Hilton, Denver, 3203 Quebec Street, Denver 80207. Is a one-day program on practical, cost-effective solutions that work. The workshop will explain how to maximize yields and pump performance on existing wells and ensure correct design, construction, pump and pump control selection, and maintenance on new wells. New or existing, this program will enable groundwater users to reduce energy costs and prolong well life. Hear from experts about technologies and techniques to save money by maximizing efficiency and increasing performance. For detailed information and registration click HERE.
NOVEMBER 14th, 2016: Sustainable Denver Summit, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado, Downtown Denver Sheraton from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. The Sustainable Denver Summit is about working together to create long-term strategies and specific commitments to achieve our 2020 Sustainability Goals. Breakout Tracks include: Energy Solutions, Affordable Housing, Density and Mobility, Water Systems, Materials and Waste Management, and Food and Health Systems. For more information click HERE.
DECEMBER 2nd, 2016: Colorado WaterWise 8th Annual Water Conservation Summit at Metropolitan State University – Auraria Campus, St. Cajetan’s Church, Lawrence Way, Denver, CO 80204. Come on out and hear the latest on water education on topics such as Children's Water Festivals; Project Wet; Edible Aquifers; Colorado Water: Live Like You Love It Testimonials; Colorado Collaboratory: A Living Laboratory Campus Experience; Brewery's Matter and much. Space is limited so register now! Conserve your funds and take advantage of early bird rates now through November 4.
APRIL 4th, 2017: National Watershed & Stormwater Conference, Online and Remote Hub Locations. Mark your calendar for the second year of this unique conference. This conference is designed to allow both in-person discussion at multiple locations and online attendance. Participants can learn about local and national stormwater and watershed issues while networking at their preferred attendance location. Major conference topics may include: IDDE, Public Education, National Certification, Monitoring, Drinking Water and Stream Restoration. Learn about exciting research, case studies, innovative technology, and special regional considerations from experts around the country. Registration will open soon. Stay tuned for more information on registration and sponsorship at