Trainings for Early January

1904 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Silver Plume, CO

1904 U.S. Geological Survey Map of Silver Plume, CO

FEBRUARY 21st, 2017: Water Quality in the Lower Arkansas Basin: Impacting your Bottom Line Workshop from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Otero Junior College Student Center, La Junta, CO 81050.. This workshop will highlight best management practices to improve water quality in the lower Arkansas River. Changes in water rights, non-point source and point source pollution have had cumulative effects on water quality and further impact the uses of Arkansas River water. This is a FREE event but RSVP is required. A complimentary lunch will be served during the workshop. Please RSVP by February 17th, 2017.

FEBRUARY 23rd, 2017: Webinar - An Accounting Approach to Ecosystem Services for Public and Private Sector Decision Making in the U.S., 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm EST. The Nicholas School is hosting a webinar on natural capital accounting - a tool being used in dozens of countries globally and by the private sector that tracks changes in ecosystem services and directly ties these changes to costs and benefits across different economic sectors. In this National Ecosystem Services Partnership webinar, Ken Bagstad and Carl Shapiro of the U.S. Geological Survey will describe ongoing work to develop the infrastructure for a national natural capital accounting system in the United States.The webinar is free, but advanced registration is required. Details HERE.

FEBRUARY 27th, 2017: Let’s WRAP – Fountain Creek! Workshop with the Colorado Data Sharing Network and Colorado State University eRAMS Team from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm, location to be announced. Learn about water quality data sharing systems that can help you navigate upcoming Reg 85 Requirements and manage your water resource data more effectively to get better results in your watershed management decisions.  The Colorado Data Sharing Network has been providing service to water organizations for over 15 years.  Colorado State University has been working with CDPHE to develop the Watershed Rapid Assessment Program and other tools to bring together disparate watershed data sources and provide the ability to do analytics on that data on one cloud based platform. RESERVE YOUR SEAT!

MARCH 2nd, 2017:  Annual Colorado Nutrient Management Workshop hosted by the CSU CLEAN Center and Colorado Monitoring Framework. The 2017 stakeholder workshop will be held at the Metro Wastewater Reclamation District Board Room in Denver, Colorado.  You can register for the workshop HERE.