Cascade Creek, near Durango
CDPHE WQCD grants and loans annual eligibility survey process to identify the 20-year capital improvement needs of all publicly owned water and sewer systems throughout the State of Colorado as well as stormwater and non-point source projects has been delayed and will begin on June 15, 2016, running through the month of July. The survey notice along with blank surveys will be emailed to all contacts on June 15, 2016. If you do not receive the notice, blank surveys will also be available for download from their website beginning June 15th. Completed surveys must be submitted no later than Saturday, July 30th. All municipalities, counties, water and sanitation districts, not-for-profit water systems and other special districts are encouraged to participate. Completion of a survey is only the first step towards obtaining funding. It is not an application for funding and it does not obligate an entity to apply for financial assistance; however identifying capital improvement projects is a required prerequisite of securing funding offered through the SRF programs. SRF loans and grants cannot be extended to applicants who have not responded to this important survey. For more information regarding the grants and low interest loans available through the program, please visit their website at:
The Online Watershed Library (OWL) is Back! OWL is a service provided by the Center that allows ready access to Center publications and other resources (research papers, tools, and stormwater manuals, among others) that support best practices in watershed and stormwater management. Users have free access to Center publications and do not need to Log In to gain access. To learn more go to OWL.
The May 2016 Drought Update, a summary of the drought information presented at the May 25, 2016 Water Availability Task Force Meeting will be posted on the CWCB website. All of the presentations from the meeting can also be found on the CWCB website. If you have questions regarding the Drought Update, please contact Tracy Kosloff at
WATER QUALITY CONTROL COMMISSION - HEARING NOTICES: The following Notice of Rulemaking Hearing has been posted on the commission’s web site:
JUNE 13th, 2016: Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surface Water, Regulation #31 (5 CCR 1002-31) and the Discharge Permit System Regulations, Regulation #61 (5 CCR 1002-61).