AUGUST 17TH, 2016: EPA Grants Award Process Webinar from 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Eastern. EPA's Office of Grants and Department is hosting this webinar for the external EPA grants community. The webinar will cover grants topics, including: how to find and apply for grant opportunities; EPA's new requirement; and preparing a proper budget detail. In addition, the session will include a Q&A session during the second half of the webinar. You do not need to register. If you wish to attend, just go to the following link a few minutes before the webinar starts: There is no call in number, audio will be broadcast through your computer speakers or headphones. Also see for additional EPA grants training information and materials.
AUGUST 18th, 2016: US Water Alliance One Water Webinar: Advancing Partnerships for Healthy Watersheds, 10:00 AM Pacific, 12:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Eastern. Watersheds don’t fall into clear-cut city or county boundaries. To manage these systems, it can take more than one municipality or organization to design a holistic approach. Tackling multi-jurisdictional challenges requires defined goals, responsibilities and funding sources which can be difficult to handle without strong partnerships. What’s the ideal recipe for a successful watershed partnership? Ingredients include pinpointing specific geographic areas, targeting stressors and including grassroots organizations, all while steadily evaluating and communicating achievements. Hear from experts who have successfully advanced watershed partnerships through strategic collaboration and goal-setting. Event registration.
AUGUST 23rd, 2016: Stormwater Workshop Series in Durango with The Water Educator Network partnering with Earth Force and Denver Public Works. This full-day professional development workshop combines training in Earth Force’s award-winning, six-step Community Action and Problem Solving Process, with water quality monitoring protocols. The day will also include a storm drain hunt, hands-on use of enviroscape model, individual unit lesson-planning time, in-stream data collection, and visits from expert engineers and scientists. Each participant will go home with a Colorado-specific activity guide and access to ongoing assistance and resources to use with middle and high school students and adult community audiences. For registration click Durango.
AUGUST 23rd & 24th, 2016: Pollinator Short Courses hosted by Natural Resources Conservation Service, Xerces Society, and Partners. Over 30% of our food relies on insect pollination! Honey bees support approximately $15 billion in crop production, while wild native bees supply an estimate $3 billion in pollination! These invertebrates are amazingly important! Space is limited, so hurry and sign up now!
- August 23rd, Pueblo Pollinator Short Course, Southeast Colorado Water Conservancy District, 31717 E United Ave, Pueblo, CO 81001.
- August 24th, Lamar Pollinator Short Course, Lamar County Fairgrounds (Home Economics Building), 2206 Saddle Club Drive, Lamar, CO 81052
AUGUST 30th, 2016: Webinar: Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm MST (ISA and SAF CEUs available for attendees) with Dr. Joel Sankey, Research Geologist (USGS, Flagstaff, Arizona), Adjunct Professor, Northern Arizona University. The area burned by wildfires has increased in recent decades and is expected to increase in the future for many watersheds worldwide due to climate change. Burned areas within watersheds increase soil erosion rates, which can increase the downstream accumulation of sediment in rivers and reservoirs. Using an ensemble of climate, fire, and erosion models, we show that post-fire sedimentation is projected to increase for more than ¾ of watersheds by at least 10% and for more than ¼ of watersheds by at least 100 % by the 2041 to 2050 decade in the western USA. In this region, 65% of the water supply originates from forested lands that are prone to wildfire, and many of the watersheds with projected increases in sedimentation are important headwaters of rivers and reservoirs that meet water demands of downstream users. Enter/register for the webinar HERE.
AUGUST 31ST, 2016: Webcast - Safe Waters, Healthy Waters from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST presented by the Center for Watershed Protection. This FREE webcast highlights lessons from the recently released, Safe Waters, Healthy Waters: A Guide for Citizen Groups on Bacteria Monitoring in Local Waterways by the Center for Watershed Protection. The guide provides step-by-step instructions to create a customized bacteria monitoring program, methods to investigate potential pollutant sources, and resources for putting collected data to use. It focuses especially on human sewage and monitoring techniques to identify specific sources of sewage. The webcast will also feature success stories coming out of Surfrider Foundation and Hudson Riverkeeper's bacteria testing programs. Register Now.
SEPTEMBER 1st, 2016: The Association for Fire Ecology has developed the Wildland Fire Professional Certification programto further ecologically-based fire science and management. The deadline to apply has been extended to September 1, 2016. Visit the AFE website for more information about their certification programs and to apply.
Join Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) for their 2016 Listening Tour in August. Dates, locations, and links to RSVP can be found at Each listening tour event is held in conjunction with a grant-writing workshop for our local government program, and is devoted to capturing your feedback about applying for and receiving GOCO funding. (Feel free to attend the feedback session only and skip the grant-writing workshop.) All grantees are encouraged to attend, and GOCO staff from multiple grant programs and the communications team will be there to answer questions and gather your input. Light refreshments will be served. for more information about GOCO grant programs.