Trainings for Late March

Water skier, Sillouette of person waterskiing,Division of Wildlife, Colorado Division of Wildlife,9/20/2001

Water skier, Sillouette of person waterskiing,Division of Wildlife, Colorado Division of Wildlife,9/20/2001

MARCH 22nd, 2017:  Yampa Basin Ag Producers’ Water Future Workshop will take place from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the Steamboat Springs Community Center at District at 1605 Lincoln Avenue, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487. The Colorado Water Plan encourages the use of “alternative transfer methods” to keep water in agriculture while addressing the anticipated gap in future water supply given projected population growth. What does this mean for agricultural water users in the Gunnison Basin? Irrigators will hear about opportunities for cost sharing of efficiency improvements, water leasing programs, and concerns about “use it or lose it” at this workshop hosted by the Community Agricultural Alliance and the Colorado Ag Water Alliance. For more information go to yampa_ag-producers.    

The Center for Watershed Protection's 2017 Webcast Series is open. Register today and join them via Adobe Connect for the following sessions: 

March 22, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 1: Stormwater Contaminants of Emerging Concern - Register for this webcast

May 17, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 2: Nutrient Trading Register for this webcast!

June 21, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 3:  Making Urban Trees Count - Register for this webcast

September 13, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 4: Stream Restoration: Where are we now? - Register for this webcast!

October 18, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 5: Bringing Better Site Design into The 21st Century - Register for this webcast!  

November 15, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 6: Modeling for Water Quality - Register for this webcast

MARCH 23rd, 2017: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be hosting a webcast on the latest news about the conditions in the nation’s lakes and flowing waters, based on the findings of the National Aquatic Resource Surveys (NARS) from 1:00pm to 3:00pm (eastern). This webcast will provide a brief overview of the NARS program and a discussion of key findings from two of its recent reports, the National Lakes Assessment (NLA) and the National Rivers and Streams Assessment (NRSA). The webinar will also highlight additional NARS research that finds widespread increases in phosphorus levels in remote waters of the U.S. Webcast participants are eligible to receive a certificate for their attendance.  For more information and to register, visit the EPA website.

MARCH 23rd, 2017: Source Water Protection Workshop. Starts at 9:00 A.M.  to 4:00 P. M.  Longmont Utility Services Building, 1251 S. Bowen Street Longmont, CO. The Source Water Protection Workshop will explore opportunities for representatives from watershed coalitions, watershed groups, utilities, and counties to protect sources of their drinking water and identify partnership opportunities.  During this Workshop you will: learn about potential contaminant sources, hear from topic experts on water quality impacts from septic systems, mining operations, and wildfire, and how you can work with local and state agencies to mitigate impacts, identify partner agencies and protective management strategies that can be implemented, and begin to develop a source water protection action plan to fit your own watershed. The workshop is free, but registration is required.  For more information click here.

MARCH 24, 2017: The Center for Watershed Protection will be holding a Stormwater Contaminants of Emerging Concern Webcast. Newly recognized contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) include a broad list of synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals (e.g., pharmaceuticals, synthetic fragrances, detergents, disinfectants, plasticizers, preservatives) or any microorganisms that have the potential to cause adverse ecological and(or) human health effects. Advances in our ability to detect and study CECs have shown that they are widespread throughout the aquatic ecosystem, and some studies are showing adverse impacts to aquatic organisms and public health.  While a major source of CECs is POWT discharges, illicit discharges containing sewage into the municipal separate sewer system is a major pathway for CECs to be delivered to urban and suburban stream systems. Illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) systems have the potential to be effective tools to mitigate the effect of CECs on the environment. This webcast focuses on CECs and the potential for IDDE programs to reduce their impacts. Click here to register now.

APRIL 3rd - 4th, 2017: National Stormwater Center Certified Stormwater Inspector Training-Municipal, Denver, CO. Designed specifically for MS4 personnel, this course focuses on stormwater permit compliance as the key to restore and maintain the waters of the United States. Testing will be conducted. Students are expected to achieve a minimum overall score of 75% to be awarded 1.2 CEUs (Continuing Education Units) from National Storm-water Center, and a five (5) year CSI™ Inspector Certificate. This certification indicates that the services are being performed by professionals who have completed the stormwater inspector certification requirements and have met established standards of knowledge, experience, and competence required in the field of stormwater inspections. This two-day course is $799 per person plus $25 registration fee, for a total of $824 per person. There is a $50 per person discount for 2 or more registrations from the same organization. For more information and to register go to

APRIL 5th, 2017: 9th Annual ARKWIPP Field Workshop in Trinidad, CO with the Arkansas River Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership. The cost is $20 and includes morning refreshments, lunch, drinks, afternoon snacks. The registration deadline is April 3rd. You can register online at, tamariskcoalition.   

APRIL 11th, 2017: Colorado Foundation for Water Education's Water Educator Network 2017 Water Education Tips and Tricks for Non-formal Educators. Spend the day learning some of the best practices and innovative methods for inspiring learners of all ages to better understand water resources in Colorado from experienced water educator Sarah Johnson. Participants will sample from an array of activities, explore where water fits into the Colorado academic standards, and discuss how to leverage partnerships.  All participants will receive a Project WET 2.0 Curriculum Guide, Proyecto Hydros Spanish resource, and more! Continuing education credit certificates available for educators. Register Here.

APRIL 12th, 2017: Colorado Foundation for Water Education's Water Educator Network Water Festival Coordinators Annual Gathering to share ideas, resources, and best practices. Water Educator Network members will receive a $20 member discount on these events. Not a member? Join to take advantage of discounts and other benefits like these, and to connect with your community. Learn more here.

MAY 15th-19th, 2017Larimer County is holding the annual Ranger Excellence School. This year they are offering courses in Leadership, OC/Pepper Spray Certification, Baton Certification, Wilderness Survival, Land Navigation, Medical, Driving, and Self Defense , just to name a few. They also have the Wilderness First Aid Certification/Wilderness First Responder Re-certification class taught by NOLS. They will also have demonstrations by the local Sheriff's K-9 and SWAT teams and a Helicopter Evacuation demonstration. It will be held at the Budweiser Event Center in Loveland, Colorado.  Click HERE for more detail.

MAY-JULY 2017Colorado Foundation for Water Education (CFWE) will be offering training. The Water Fluency offering will run with classes in the corridor between Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction. Register now for Water Fluency, CFWE's professional development course to boost your water knowledge. Participants learn through site visits; in-person classroom discussions; and online materials, presented with Colorado State University's online water course. Learn more about the course, review the agenda, and register here.

JUNE 5th- AUGUST 5th, 2017: Pitkin County Open Space and Trails is advertising for an agriculture and easement monitor/stewardship intern to assist with stewardship of their agricultural leases and easements. As per Pitkin County policy, only students that obtain college/high school credit for the internship will be allowed to participate. The ideal applicant will have an interest in private land conservation or recreation easements and/or public land leasing and will be pursuing a degree in an environmental management, parks and protected area management, natural resources, conservation, or a related field program. The internship will be 40hrs/week at $13.00/hour with an approximate start date of June 5th and approximate end date of August 5th dependent on the intern's schedule. For a full intern description and application visit the Pitkin County hiring website at;       

JUNE 19th-23rd, 2017: Western State Colorado University is pleased to host the Summer Teacher Institute, Monday – Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm. Learn how to incorporate rivers into your curriculum, creating relevant context and connections for your students. This five-day, field-based course includes water management, river ecology, fisheries, and geography of the Colorado River Basin. Rivers are the basis of our Colorado livelihoods and are critical to the future of our students and communities. Our natural affinity to water makes rivers and watersheds a useful and familiar context for cross-disciplinary teaching and learning. Field experiences include a Morrow Point Reservoir boat tour, Roaring Judy Fish Hatchery tour, Gunnison River ecology field day, and a visit to Coldharbour Institute. The second part of the week incorporates participation in the Colorado Water Workshop Conference engaging with water resource professionals from across Colorado. Participants must register for the Colorado Water Workshop to earn 3 ENVS credits.(All meals are included beginning Wednesday at noon; 3 credit course fee of $375; additional $40 course fee plus additional fee of $150 (50% discount) for Colorado Water Workshop. Total cost is $565.) Register Here

AUGUST 2nd - 4th, 2017: The Park Planning and Maintenance Academy (PPMA) is a new school for park and recreation professionals, reinvented, with greater sessions focused on trends and cutting edge park maintenance practices in addition to the fundamentals of park planning. Training will be at the Radisson Hotel, Denver Southeast, 3155 S. Vaughn Way, Aurora, CO 80014. PPMA IS LIMITED TO 50 PEOPLE. REGISTER TODAY,