Funding Opportunities for Early May

Skaguay Reservoir SWA, Division of Wildlife, Michael Seraphin, 7/7/2002

Skaguay Reservoir SWA, Division of Wildlife, Michael Seraphin, 7/7/2002

National Park Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program – The Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) helps to connect communities to parks and natural areas by assisting local leaders in protecting special places and creating close-to-home opportunities for the public to enjoy the outdoors. The program works with local partners to develop and carry out a locally led process that encourages developing a common vision, creative planning, and collaborative action from all the participants. In the National Park Service's Intermountain Region, the program is supporting 41 projects in 2017, including neighborhood parks and trails, regional conservation efforts, river and water trail planning, and much more.  Due June 30.Visit the website to find your nearest contact, learn more about the program in general, and view the application.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service has a funding opportunity for the National Water Quality Initiative which will work in priority watersheds to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners improve water quality and aquatic habitats in impaired streams. NRCS will help producers implement conservation and management practices through a systems approach to control and trap nutrient and manure runoff. Qualified producers will receive assistance for installing conservation practices such as cover crops, filter strips and terraces. For more information click HERE.

Colorado Water Conservation Board - The Water Supply Reserve Account Program provides grants and loans to assist Colorado water users in addressing their critical water supply issues and interests. The funds help eligible entities complete water activities, which may include competitive grants for technical assistance regarding permitting, feasibility studies and environmental compliance, studies or analysis of structural, nonstructural consumptive, and nonconsumptive water needs, projects or activities, and  structural and nonstructural water projects or activities. Deadline January 1st, 2016 to December 31st, 2017. For more details click HERE.

The Fish and Wildlife Service announced funding to provide direct technical assistance and financial assistance to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. Projects should specify benefits for species and habitats considering the expected effects of climate change. The Fish and Wildlife Service will favor conservation activities and projects that incorporate ecosystem adaptation and help coastal ecosystems and communities adapt to the effects of sea level rise and greenhouse gases. More details here.

Tamarisk Coalition has a list of riparian restoration funding opportunities maintained by the Tamarisk Coalition.  For list click restoration funding opportunities.