Trainings Late August

River improvement project, Improvements made to river as part of Fishing is Fun program project, Division of Wildlife, Ben Swigle, 9/1/2011

River improvement project, Improvements made to river as part of Fishing is Fun program project, Division of Wildlife, Ben Swigle, 9/1/2011

You are invited to become a part of the Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education Trainer’s Bureau.  Through a series of trainings, they will overview the Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education, explore and use Environmental Education Materials and provide access to a number of training resources and tools. Webinar dates:

  • AUGUST 22nd, 2017: 9:30-3:00p.m. in Denver (Thomas Bean Towers, 135 Park Ave West). Through a series of hands-on activities, participants will identify key characteristics of high quality EE programs and materials. This workshop will focus on how to use Environmental Education Materials: Guidelines for Excellence as a tool to develop and evaluate EE materials. Participants will receive a copy of the Materials Guidelines.  Lunch Provided.
  • AUGUST 29th, 2017: 2:00-3:00 p.m. Webinar. Join Bora Simmons online to learn more about the Guidelines Trainers’ Bureau and the resources available for trainers across the country. To join the Trainers’ Bureau, participants must attend or view recordings of all three sessions.

Click to learn more about the Guidelines for Excellence in Environmental Education.  Click HERE to register.

AUGUST 25th, 2017: Middle Park Conservation District and High Country Conservation Center will be hosting a "Water Law in a Nutshell" Workshop in Frisco, CO. During the day long event, you'll learn all about the ins-and-outs of Colorado Water Law from a water law attorney and former Water Referee for the Colorado Court. They are asking people to RSVP by August 4th. The cost of the workshop is $50 per person. RSVP to or 970-531-0127.

AUGUST 29th-31th, 2017: National Park Service begins its second century, it is focused on strengthening community engagement skills to achieve greater impact. Join them in Denver, Colorado for a customized training organized by the NPS and the Public Lands Alliance that will help you grow your organizational competency. Converse with colleagues and partners to learn and share innovative strategies that grow capacity for more effective fundraising, governance, marketing, and event planning. You'll walk away with a higher understanding of how to maximize both engagement of key stakeholders and how to leverage community resources to better protect America's treasured places. There is no registration fee for NPS employees or partners through the generosity of the NPS Intermountain Region. Participants are responsible for their own travel, lodging and incidental costs. Online registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-serve basis. Click HERE for more information and register.

AUGUST 30th, 2017: Join the Colorado Foundation for Water Education to learn about and train to use Colorado's Decision Support Systems, including a close look at the Colorado Division of Water Resources' HydroBase Data Viewer, where anyone can access surface water conditions, gauge readings, structures and more. They will explore these resources under the guidance of John Rodgers, DWR's HydroBase coordinator, and Chris Brown, DWR's GIS program manager. Log in from your office or home over lunch, come ready to learn and bring your questions. Register HERE

AUGUST 30th, 2017: Join the WaterWise webinar at 2pm-3pm to learn about how Lafayette, CO is helping its residents remove and replace turf with low-water landscaping in partnership with the Center for Resource Conservation. The Turf Removal and Replacement Program is a water conservation program offered by the Center for Resource Conservation (CRC) in partnership with the City of Lafayette and City of Thornton that makes it easy and rewarding for residents to remove turf grass and replace it with low-water landscaping. Through the program, residents attend a preliminary two-hour professional seminar on turf replacement and are provided incentives for removing a portion of their well-maintained turf grass lawn with water-wise landscaping. Participants in this webinar will learn more about this innovative program as well as a case study of its application in Lafayette, Colorado. Click HERE to register. 

SEPTEMBER 1st, 2017: Wildlands Restoration is seeking volunteers. WRV is a Colorado grown non-profit that focuses on ecological restoration projects from native seed collections, to trail construction, to invasive species removal, to revegetation projects and much more.  They coordinate all aspects of projects from design to implementation and specialize in engaging local communities/partners in projects.  This highly organized approach saves you and your staff time while leveraging partners and resources to get more of your critical work done. If you are just beginning to assess what your project needs are, it's best to give them a call (303.543.1411 ext #3), or email,  You can submit your information via Google form. The more information you can provide, the better they will understand your needs. 

The Center for Watershed Protection's 2017 Webcast Series is open. Register and join them via Adobe Connect for the following sessions: 

September 13th, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 4: Stream Restoration: Where are we now? - Register for this webcast!

October 18th, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 5: Bringing Better Site Design into The 21st Century - Register for this webcast!  

November 15th, 2017, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST, Webcast 6: Modeling for Water Quality - Register for this webcast!  

SEPTEMBER 26th-27th, 2017Setting Watershed-Scale Priorities in Riparian Restoration Workshop in Grand Junction, Colorado. This workshop is being organized by the Center for Colorado River Studies at Utah State University and hosted by the Hutchins Water Center. Decades of restoration efforts in the Colorado River basin have had varying success. They will review restoration strategies and techniques being pursued in the Colorado River basin and obtain participant feedback on restoration goals, strategies, and techniques. We will introduce decision-support tools useful to implement analytical prioritization strategies in order to refine prioritization tools that help workshop participants increase their effectiveness. Click here to register.

SEPTEMBER 28th & 29th, 2017: The National Stormwater Center is offering Certified Stormwater Inspector (municipal) training. Designed specifically for municipal personnel, their course offers training and certification to demonstrate, for the record, that inspectors are qualified. Inspectors who take their course learn how to inspect construction, commercial, and industrial, and municipal activities, what to inspect, the limits of their authority, appropriate demeanor, and appropriate discretion. They also learn about the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, the six Minimum Control Measures, and how to better implement and support their MS4 stormwater program. You may call Michele at 1-888-397-9414, email or visit our website at  Registration is available on their website for all classes.