Announcements Late October

Colorado Water Quality Control Division is launching the 2019 Nonpoint Source Funding Cycle. This process begins with the development of a concept or idea focused on water quality problems or protection opportunities associated with nonpoint sources of pollution. This concept will be developed into a full proposal later in the process. For those project sponsors interested in receiving feedback on a NPS project idea, the NPS Program requests submittal of a concept paper. The concept paper submittal deadline is October 22, 2018 by 5:00 pm and feedback on the ideas shared through concept papers will be provided on October 25, 2018 during a telephone conference (more details to follow). For guidance in developing your concept paper, please go to and look for the “2019 Nonpoint Source Project Concept Consultation” information.

Colorado Watershed Flood Recovery 2013-2018. Colorado took a holistic approach to stream system recovery following the 2013 floods by focusing on watershed scale recovery and incorporating long-term resiliency into every project. Download the program description handout to learn more about the State’s approach and the successful outcomes. Handouts and Project Success Stories can be found HERE. is a site dedicated to meeting the growing need for public health professionals by connecting students with opportunities to begin and advance their careers. With a predicted growth rate well above the national average and an established workforce, public health is an excellent industry for a new student to begin a career. To meet this demand, they have expanded their site’s career and state resources. For students seeking information about public health in their state, they have created state-specific guides that answer important questions. The page for Colorado can be found at:

MEETING NOTICE: Colorado Water Quality Forum 10-year water quality roadmap Workgroup involvement opportunity. The mission of the workgroup is to achieve solutions to Colorado water quality issues through communication and understanding, balancing use, and protection of the resource. Water Quality Members and Participants: The 10-year water quality roadmap is their plan to develop or revise water quality standards from 2017 to 2027. They'll hold quarterly workgroup meetings to discuss progress and encourage participation. Learn more about all the topics involved on the roadmap webpage, ROAD WEBPAGE.

  • Meeting 1: Completed

  • Meeting two: Completed

  • Meeting three: Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 (1-4 p.m.)

  • Meeting four: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2019 (1-4 p.m.)

Anyone can participate! If you would like to receive future emails about the workgroup, use this online sign-up form to join the mailing list so they can stay in touch.