Trainings & Workshops Late November

NOVEMBER 16th, 2018: SGM 2018 Water/Wastewater Fall Forum Registration. SGM is excited to host the 9th annual Water and Wastewater Operations and Practices Fall Forum. This year their speakers will address regulatory updates, funding strategies, alternative project delivery, and new technology to keep you in the know. For event details, and registration, click HERE.

DECEMBER 11th-14th, 2018: CIG Course at Butterfly Pavilion. Butterfly Pavilion will be offering a Certified Interpretive Guide course in December of this year. The Certified Interpretive Guide program is designed for anyone who delivers programs to the public. It combines the theoretical foundations of the interpretation profession with practical skills in delivering quality interpretive programming to varied audiences. If you work (or would like to work) at tour and cruise companies, parks, zoos, museums, nature centers, aquariums etc. helping visitors connect with our natural or cultural heritage this 32 – hour course is for you! For full info, click HERE.

MARCH 13th-14th, 2019: Water in the West Symposium. Join leaders from diverse disciplines to dive deep into water issues affecting the region and to explore innovative solutions to water challenges. The Symposium will feature nationally renowned speakers, and showcase the efforts of various sectors in leveraging research, innovation, education, and creative policies to address the most pressing global water issues. For more information, click HERE.