MARCH 3rd, 2018: Join Nature & Wildlife Discovery Center and the Southern Colorado Trail Builders big trail building day! Join us and be part of joining the past and the future! No experience necessary. This new multi-use trail starts at the historic Mountain Park, and skirts its north border. The trail flows through majestic ponderosa pines, rolls along dramatic stone ridges, and weaves through stands of oak. This exciting new route links to the Squirrel Creek trail, creating a new connection to the Davenport of the most significant spots in the history of outdoor recreation (betcha didn't know that)! For me details and to sign up, click HERE.
MARCH 9th, 2018: Join Water Education Colorado and Roaring Fork Conservancy for this day-long workshop and FIELD TRIP exploring the nexus between climate, snow, and water! In Colorado, snow is more than a type of weather; it's a way of life. What might be less apparent is what snowpack means in terms water, soil moisture, and forest health, and how climate variability is impacting it all. This workshop and field trip will be geared toward educators, but is open to the public and will be interesting for anyone wishing to learn more about these topics. Participants will spend the morning hearing from a variety of experts and enhancing their water and climate science literacy. The afternoon will feature a unique opportunity to visit a SNOTEL site at the top of McClure Pass! Participants will learn how to conduct a snow course survey and will then have the opportunity to collect samples themselves. We'll finish the day by snowshoeing to the actual SNOTEL site. Participants will walk away with the knowledge and resources to educate others about snow science, climate, forest health and more. For the workshop agenda, click HERE. To register, HERE.
MARCH 17th, 2018: Come attend the Boulder County Nature Association Annual Ecosymposium; TURNING THE LENS ON OURSELVES: The Science of Visitors on Open Spaces. The symposium features presentations by local experts on visitor experiences, perceptions and impacts on open space. The program seeks to offer concepts, tools and frameworks for thinking about visitors to open space and to provide opportunities to reflect on our own roles and behaviors as visitors and as land managers, activists, or citizens. It is free and open to the public; find out more details HERE.
The Center for Watershed Protection Presents a 2018 Webcast series:
- Webcast 1: Stream and BMP Monitoring. March 21, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
- Webcast 2: Bioretention Design Modifications. May 16, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
- Webcast 3: Retrofitting the Urban Environment: What's New? June 20, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
- Webcast 4: Stormwater and Green Infrastructure for Combined Sewer Systems
- September 12, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
- Webcast 5: Innovations in Stream Restoration Design and Construction. October 10, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
- Webcast 6: It Ain't Easy Getting Green: Incentivizing Watershed Programs. November 14, 2018, 1 - 2:30 PM EST. Register for this webcast!
If you have to miss a 2018 live webcast, you can purchase and view it within 60 days of the original airing. Click HERE for for pricing and to register.
MARCH 23rd, 2018: The St. Vrain and Left Hand Water Conservancy District invites you to its Annual Water Symposium to be held at the Shupe Homestead, just west of Hygiene, CO. This years focus will be on Stream Management - Past, Present, and Future. It's an opportunity to meet and interact with other individuals who are passionate about water resources and to hear from experts in the field. This is a FREE event and includes a light breakfast and lunch! Click HERE to register.
ELEVENTH ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM; Forging Sovereignty, Self Determination, and Solidarity through Water Law. Water has long served as a source of both great conflict and critical collaboration in the history of the United States. Especially for historically marginalized communities of American Indians, Latin@s, and Blacks, ownership, control, access and distribution of water rights has often been fleeting and limited in both scope and duration. Though these same communities have contested their marginalization in the realm of water law and policy sometimes through courts and other times through political and social mobilization, they have encountered apathy, resistance and sometimes hostility to their claims. The consequence is a contemporary United States where insecurity and uncertainty over water rights and quality are represented in the on-going struggle of the Standing Rock Sioux to assert their sovereignty over the Missouri River, the political and legal fight of the majority Black residents of Flint, Michigan to expect clean water to be distributed by its municipal government, and the vocal efforts of Latin@ farmers to maintain centuries old communal and cultural practices to their ditches. Learn more and register HERE.
APRIL 10th, 2018: Join the Center for Watershed Protection's 2018 National Conference to learn fresh ideas about watershed and stormwater funding and management. Today’s water quality experts not only have to overcome pollution, but also a world of uncertain federal funding and regulatory oversight. To restore our waterways, identifying innovative financing strategies and management solutions is more important than ever before. This conference will help practitioners, regulators, water and sewer authorities and stormwater managers overcome common hurdles — from staff shortages and a lack of financial support to addressing multiple pollutant sources in mixed land use watersheds. Register online or attend at one of their in-person hub locations. Spots are limited. Find more information and register HERE.
APRIL 18th, 2018: The Center for Watershed Protection is hosting the 2018 National Watershed and Stormwater Conference, which is designed for water management from all sectors, practitioners, regulators, and water and sewer authorities, and will present case studies and best practices as well as address cross cutting issues and emerging trends. This will take place online and at remote hub locations. Registration begins soon. Questions can be answered by emailing:, or calling 410-461-8323. For more on the Center for Watershed Protection, click HERE.
APRIL 29th-May 1st, 2018: The 2nd Annual Next Generation Water Summit at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, 201 W Marcy St, Santa Fe, NM. The Summit focuses on water conservation and water reuse in the arid Southwest. It brings together builders, designers, architects and water professionals to share best practices and brainstorm new ones through charrettes. In 2018, their featured keynote speaker will be Jonathan Overpeck. Overpeck’s visionary work has been at the forefront of the heated climate change public debates and identifying the risks to managing water resources, providing valuable insights into past climate variability and change in the Southwest. He will present on the Climate Change forecasted impact to the Colorado River flows. There are over 40 unique sessions planned with speakers from AZ, CA, CO, NM, TX. On the morning of May 1, they will hold two charrettes, where they will have multiple stakeholders dive into a challenging topic. These charrettes will have very limited seating, so sign up today! Learn more and register HERE.
MAY 2nd-4th, 2018: San Juan Mining and Reclamation Conference - Planning for Resiliency will be held in Creede, Colorado. The format of this conference encourages discussions of how the mining and reclamation community can plan for potential disasters and invites bold and frank conversations about topics that have challenged you, may be considered taboo, or can be uncomfortable to share. Topic examples include, but are not limited to: Longevity of mines; Lifetime of watershed groups; Risk assessment, tolerance, and mitigation; Effectively communicating risk; Fiduciary responsibility and abandoned mines (Good Samaritan Law); Scenario planning; Adaptive management; Environmental justice; New regulations and their impact; Planning for natural disasters and severe weather events; Changes in relationships, partners and stakeholders. Contact or call 970-325-3010 for more information.
MAY 9th-11th, 2018: Advancing Colorado by Investing in the Outdoors Workshop. The Partners in the Outdoors Conference brings together organizations, agencies, schools, businesses and communities engaged in the future of Colorado's conservation and outdoor recreational opportunities. Together, we can improve the quality of life for all Coloradans by promoting awareness and respect for natural resources, sustainable growth of businesses, and responsible hunting, fishing, and outdoor recreation. Learn more HERE.
MAY 29th-June 1st, 2018: The Society of Wetland Scientists’ 2018 Annual Meeting will be held at the Hilton Denver City Center in Denver, Colorado. This unique meeting is themed “Wetland Science: Integrating Research, Practice, and Policy – An Exchange of Expertise.” Reserve your spot to network and build professional connections with the highest level of wetland professionals at the 2018 Annual Meeting. Simply complete and return the Exhibitor Agreement to reserve your booth today! Agreements must be received by April 30, 2018. Click HERE for more information.
JUNE 7th-8th, 2018: Join GWC Summer Water Conference, "What Lies Beneath? Reasons to Care About Groundwater in the Southwest." at the University of Colorado School of Law. Read specific details HERE, and access registration links HERE.
NOVEMBER 7th-8th, 2018: 8th Annual Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum will be held at CMU University Center in Grand Junction, CO. For more, click HERE.