MARCH 7th, 2019: Colorado TU River Stewardship Gala. Join them at Mile High Station in Denver for this must-attend event for anyone who cares about rivers and trout! Enjoy a delicious meal, beer and wine, and your chance to participate in the auction and live program. They’ll be highlighting Colorado TU’s 50th anniversary throughout the evening and honoring William Reilly with their 2019 River Stewardship Award. Purchase your tickets HERE or sponsor a table and bring your favorite fishy friends.
MARCH 8th, 2019: The Fork Not Taken: A Two Forks Retrospective from 7:30 a.m. -12:00 p.m. at History Colorado Center. Following a continental breakfast, the AGENDA will feature two panel discussions. Discounted pricing and a limited number of scholarships are available for students—email Discounts are also available for members of Water Education Colorado, Colorado Trout Unlimited, and the History Colorado Center. SPONSORSHIP opportunities available. Don't wait to REGISTER.
March 11th, 2019: Roaring Fork Conservancy invites you to The River Center for the last of a NEW three-part winter speaker series whose topics address our most precious resource, water. They’ll discuss the most current water-related issues at the local, state and national level, and provide opportunities for one-on-one dialogue with these water leaders. Additional details can be found HERE. Restoring Critial Riparian Habitat in an Age of Invasives with Cara Kukuraitis, Outreach and Education Coordinator with RiversEdge West. SEATING IS LIMITED. Please RSVP HERE.
March 12th, 2019: Colorado E. coli Symposium. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), the Colorado Stormwater Council, Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, and the Big Dry Creek Watershed Association are co-sponsoring a one-day symposium focused on approaches to address water quality impairments in Colorado due to elevated levels of fecal indicator bacteria (E. coli). Their planning committee has lined up an excellent group of knowledgeable speakers, including representatives from the Colorado Water Quality Control Division, EPA Region 8, local governments, and consultants. The symposium will provide practical information for local governments and others working to identify and reduce E. coli sources as a result of existing or future Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). The conference will be held at the Arvada Center. Thanks to the support from CDPHE, the conference cost is only $30 ($10 for students). Register HERE.
March 12th, 2019: Join the Trout Tank H2O Cohort! Any business with a focus in water, new or old, can participate in the program.Trout Tank H2O: Pitch Accelerator is about highlighting entrepreneurs and businesses with a water nexus and giving them opportunities to sharpen their pitching skills, connect with mentors, gain exposure, secure funding, and build connections with lenders, investors, decision-makers, and key stakeholders within the Colorado business and water community. Pitch for a feedback committee at the Initial Pitches 2:00-5:00 p.m. Interested? Apply HERE.
MARCH 12th-14th, 2019: HAR-CERSER 2019 Conference. Jointly hosted by High Altitude Revegetation Committee (HAR) and Central Rockies chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration (CeRSER), the goal of the 2019 Conference is to enhance our understanding of ecological restoration and revegetation in diverse ecosystems using a variety of methods. For more information click HERE.
MARCH 13th-14th, 2019: Water in the West Symposium. Join leaders from diverse disciplines to dive deep into water issues affecting the region and to explore innovative solutions to water challenges. The Symposium will feature nationally renowned speakers, and showcase the efforts of various sectors in leveraging research, innovation, education, and creative policies to address the most pressing global water issues. For more information, click HERE.
MARCH 16th, 2019: Boulder County Nature Association 2019 Ecosystem Symposium - The Changing Baseline for Front Range Ecosystems: Implications for Management and Restoration. This symposium will explore what we know from recent research and monitoring studies about change over decades to Front Range plant, animal and microbial communities. We will consider the implications for managing these communities for resilience, not with the goal of returning them to some idealized and static past, but by bolstering their ability to adapt to the challenges of the future. Registration is not required. There is no charge for the ecosymposium, and all are welcome to attend. Find the details HERE.
MARCH 17th-23rd, 2019: Sustainable Trails Conference - Grand Junction, CO. Don't miss this convening of international trail experts in Grand Junction, CO. Participants will engage in hands-on workshops, concurrent and plenary sessions, and networking opportunities throughout the event. For more information, click HERE.
MARCH 25th-29th, 2019: 11th National Monitoring Conference - Working Together for Clean Water in Denver, CO, is hosted by the National Water Quality Monitoring Council and North American Lake Management Society. Attendees will have opportunities to network and create new relationships, exchange information on topics relevant to all water resources, as well as to develop new skills and learn about the latest technologies and techniques. All water resources will be represented. Registration deadline is March 15. See more HERE.
APRIL 1st, 2019: Registration opens for the Denver Watershed Tour, hosted by Denver Water and Denver Public Works. The tour is a summer professional development workshop designed for classroom and informal educators. Electronic registration will require a $50 security deposit, refundable upon attendance. For more information, click HERE.
APRIL 1st-3rd, 2019: After the Flames Workshop and Conference. Experts warn that year-round fire season is the new normal. Wildfire is no longer "if" it will occur, but rather "when." The impacts of a wildfire last long after the flames are extinguished. Community leaders, agency representatives, property owners, and anyone impacted by wildfire is invited to join this interactive workshop and conference featuring recovery experts and agencies engaging After The Flames. For more information click HERE.
APRIL 5th, 2019: Southwestern Water Conservation District’s Annual Water Seminar from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in downtown Durango. For more than 35 years in southwestern Colorado, water managers, irrigators, municipal representatives, tribal members, environmental advocates, recreation enthusiasts, and interested citizens have come together each year for the Annual Water Seminar. It’s a unique opportunity to interact with other individuals who are passionate about water resources, and hear expert speakers from around the state and region. Find out more HERE.
APRIL 9th, 2019: Advancing Abandoned Mine Land Cleanup Conference. The Mining and Metallurgical Society of America, in conjunction with the University of Nevada at Reno, the Colorado School of Mines, and Trout Unlimited, presents the Summit: Advancing Abandoned Mine Land Cleanup – With or Without Good Samaritan Legislation to be held in Reno, Nevada. Registration is free. See the MMSA Web site to sign up for a ticket and sign up for the mailing list to get updates on the summit preparations. Get the Free Ticket HERE.
APRIL 11th & 12th, 2019: Rocky Mountain Green (RMG) Conference with The Alliance Center. RMG is the largest conference in the Rockies that convenes building professionals, sustainability leaders and change makers from across the Rocky Mountain region for a full day of educational sessions, networking opportunities in the expo hall and discussions around today’s most critical sustainability and green building issues - REGISTER.
APRIL 14th, 2019: Walk for Freshwater. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m. CU South Denver-Globeology Exhibit. Walk with them and EXPERIENCE the global water crisis first-hand! GRAB YOUR WATER JUG and find yourself among elephants, giraffes, and howler monkeys. Find out practical ways that YOU can be part of raising awareness and funds to change the water crisis in Malawi. All event proceeds go to fund water and sanitation projects at schools in Malawi, Africa, through Freshwater Project International. See pictures and register HERE.
APRIL 19th, 2019: 2019 AWRA-CGWA Annual Symposium: Colorado Water Stories – Learning from our past, reimagining our future at the Mount Vernon Canyon Country Club, 24933 Club House Circle, Golden, CO 80401 from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. This year's conference will cover a range of topics from both a technical and policy perspective, including a deep-drill into ASR, geophysical applications, and how Coloradans are reimagining the river. For more details, check out THIS LINK.
APRIL 24th-25th, 2019: 25th Anniversary Arkansas River Basin Water Forum - A River of Dreams and Realities, at the Pueblo Convention Center. As one of the most important natural resources in our state, the water future of the Arkansas River Basin depends on education, dialog, and a deeper understanding of all sides of water issues. The Arkansas River Basin Water Forum has been at the forefront of this conversation for 25 years. Please join them to celebrate their 25th anniversary as they continue to work together to find common ground. For more information:
APRIL 24th-26th, 2019: 2019 Partners in the Outdoors Conference. Be a part of the solution as we shift from Planning to Action. Based on the Colorado Outdoor Principles and after months of collaborative work across the state from hundreds of partners, stakeholders and citizens, Colorado has drafted one of the finest Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plans (SCORP) in the nation. For more information, click HERE.
APRIL 27th, 2019: Fryingpan River Cleanup at 8:30 a.m. in Lyons Park, Basalt, CO
Help clean up one of the most beautiful stretches of river in the country! Volunteers of all ages welcome! Join us for a free breakfast before cleaning up a 1-mile section of the river. Prizes for: Best of Trash, Most Toxic, Most Useful, Most Unusual Trash, and Best Photo. Event Details | Register
JUNE 18th-20th, 2019: The 4th Rocky Mountain Stream Restoration Conference will provide an opportunity for professionals to share ideas and lessons learned in stream restoration assessment, planning, design, construction, and evaluation, as well as other topical stream issues. The conference will explore stream restoration challenges and solutions, with a focus on the Intermountain West. For agenda click HERE.
AUGUST 6th-7th: Join Denver’s Public Works and Denver Water on a two-day tour of Denver’s watershed to explore how water moves from source to faucet and storm drain. The Denver Watershed Tour is designed for classroom and informal educators to learn more about how water gets to and moves through our communities. Throughout the tour, participants will engage in interdisciplinary activities to bring back to the classroom. For more information, click HERE.