MARCH 1st - MARCH 21st, 2019: Spatial Analysis Training online with ArcGIS online exercises through ESRI - the Science of Where. This free course is for people who know something about data analysis and want to learn how the special capabilities of spatial data analysis provides deeper understanding. Registration closes on February 21, 2019. Register HERE.
MARCH 4th-5th, 2019: QUALIFIED MS4 STORMWATER TRAINING. In this two-day course they will cover all the topics to ensure that you meet the regulatory requirement to conduct Stormwater Inspections. They will review the requirements of your state MS4, Construction, and Industrial General Permits; we will discuss what it takes for you to be in compliance with the permits; they will discuss inspection techniques that will help you better evaluate whether or not other permittees are in compliance with their permits – and how that influences your permit compliance; and they will discuss BMPs – which are best, when to use them, how to use them, and how to know if BMPs are correctly installed and maintained. For details, including registration, click HERE.
MARCH 5th, 2019: Landscape Professional Lunch & Learn will unpack the City of Aspen's new landscaping standards and learn about other important local water management programs and strategies. This presentation is applicable to local landscape professionals, developers, and other interested community members. QWEL-certified professionals are eligible to receive 2 CEU credits for this program. Registration is free and lunch will be provided. Register HERE.
MARCH 5th-8th, 2019: Certified Interpretive Guide (CIG) Training Class. South Platte Park has opened registration for their next training course at South Platte Park in Littleton. Successful students will receive nationally-recognized certification in interpretation and resource communication. If you have been considering this course for your incoming seasonals, front-line staff, extraordinary volunteers, new hires, or old hands, now is the time to register! For more information and how to register, click HERE.
MARCH 7th, 2019: Energy Efficiency Assessments – Alamosa 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
CRWA Energy Efficiency Technician Sebastian Madrid will be on site to discuss the importance of implementing an Energy Efficiency Assessment and how it can save your utility money. This training will consist of education on optimizing filtration and improving well efficiencies. The training will end with a regulatory update on Regulations 100 and 11. Class attendees are encouraged to ask questions and participate in class discussions. Find out more and register HERE.
MARCH 13th, 2019: Town of Larkspur's 1st Source Water Protection Planning Workshop.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Larkspur Fire Protection District Meeting Room (9414 S Spruce Mountain Rd, Larkspur, CO, 80118). Colorado Rural Water Association would like to invite you to participate in developing a Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) for the Town of Larkspur. Larkspur values a clean, high quality drinking water supply, and would like to work collaboratively with you to develop a SWPP to protect this valuable resource. Please feel free to contact Linda Black with Larkspur ( if you have any questions.
MARCH 14th, 2019: A Watershed Academy Webcast: Lessons Learned on Integrating Water Quality and Nature-based Approaches into Hazard Mitigation Plans 11:00pm - 1:00pm MST
EPA is promoting integration of FEMA hazard mitigation plans and water quality plans to support projects that reduce natural hazards while emphasizing water quality benefits. This webcast will look at two completed pilot projects that have successfully integrated watershed planning, green infrastructure practices, and source water protection into FEMA hazard mitigation plans. Register HERE.
MARCH 19th, 2019: TECH WEBINAR - Water Plan Analysis, Municipal & Industrial by Colorado Water Conservation Board. 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Register HERE. The Colorado Water Plan Analysis (formerly, SWSI) serves as the technical backbone to the Water Plan. Leading up to the study's full release in July 2019, select data insights and tools will be released gradually for early stakeholder review. Check in HERE for general information on the project. See all monthly technical webinars HERE.
MARCH 21st, 2019: Wastewater Treatment Workshop – Pueblo West 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
CRWA Wastewater Technician Mark Foxworthy will be on site to discuss proper wastewater treatment. This class will focus on preliminary and primary treatment of lagoons, trickling filters, rotating biological contactors, activated sludge, and sequencing batch rotators. Class attendees are encouraged to ask questions throughout this training. Find out more and register HERE.
MARCH 21st-22nd, 2019: Certified Stormwater Inspector Training. Denver, CO. This course was developed by former Federal and State stormwater enforcement officials for the express purpose of training municipal stormwater personnel to conduct stormwater inspections of municipal, commercial, industrial, and construction activities. It includes instruction in the law (federal, state, local), illicit discharge detection and elimination, pollution prevention, post construction, public involvement and education, inspector protocols, and much more! For more information, including registration, click HERE.
MARCH 28th, 2019: Water University: Utility Management Certification Workshop – Fort Morgan 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. This training will cover the financial, technical, and managerial aspects of management for small systems. The day will end with a managerial certification exam that will provide a certificate showing management capabilities. Find out more and register HERE.
EPA Alliance Training Group offers an Intro to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act through online training. The course will walk you through the requirements, the management of Universal Wastes, and common hazardous waste violations that could occur at your facility. Furthermore, fill out a quick form and perform some action items, provided in the course, to meet your annual RCRA training requirements! The RCRA 102 Advanced course will be ready this March! Check out their complete list of training topics HERE.
APRIL 1st-3rd, 2019: After the Flames Workshop and Conference. Experts warn that year-round fire season is the new normal. Wildfire is no longer "if" it will occur, but rather "when." The impacts of a wildfire last long after the flames are extinguished. Community leaders, agency representatives, property owners, and anyone impacted by wildfire is invited to join this interactive workshop and conference featuring recovery experts and agencies engaging After The Flames. For more information click HERE.
APRIL 9th, 2019: The Color of Law: A Conversation about Segregation and Environmental Racism Webinar. 12:00 p.m. - 1:15p.m. MDT. The Center for Creative Land Recycling will welcome Richard Rothstein, author of the 2017 book The Color of Law, to frame the history of segregation in the United States, and help us understand how racial segregation shapes redevelopment decisions today. Join CCLR for this first in a series of webinars that explore what different local jurisdictions are doing to mitigate the risk of displacement as a result of land recycling. Note: It is highly recommended that you read the Color of Law, available at local libraries and from book sellers, prior to this webinar. Register HERE.
APRIL 23rd, 2019: TECH WEBINAR - Water Plan Analysis, Agriculture by Colorado Water Conservation Board. 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Register HERE. The Colorado Water Plan Analysis (formerly, SWSI) serves as the technical backbone to the Water Plan. Leading up to the study's full release in July 2019, select data insights and tools will be released gradually for early stakeholder review. Check in HERE for general information on the project. See all monthly technical webinars HERE.
JUNE 10th-14th, 2019: Western Rivers Teacher Workshop,Western State Colorado University, Gunnison, Colorado. Utilize western rivers to meet interdisciplinary academic standards creating relevant place based context for your students. Registration opens February 2019 through the Extended Studies program.
Online Courses Available Through Colorado Rural Water Association. Industry studies have shown employee-training budgets for most water and wastewater utilities are tighter than ever. Web-based operator certification and license renewal training provides employers and their employees the flexibility of taking training courses at their own pace without the hassle and cost of attending live classes. Check them out HERE.
Metropolitan State University of Denver is offering a new Water Studies Online Certificate to provide training and skills relevant to careers in water studies, conservation, agriculture, construction, engineering, and law. From lifelong learners who want to know more about water preservation to those working in green and sustainable professions, this unique certificate provides introductory level training and skills relevant to a wide range of fields in the nonprofit, corporate, and public sectors, including water industries, conservation, agriculture, construction, engineering, and law. Find out more HERE.