Conferences & Events Early November

NOVEMBER 4th, 2020: Acequia Landscapes: Ancient Water Systems in a Modern Context | Adams State University Colorado | 12:00-1:00 p.m. Cohosted by Salazar Rio Grande del Norte Center and created as a community for inclusion, equity, leadership and opportunity. Join this discussion to learn the ancient water systems and how that impacts the modern world. Find the Zoom link HERE. Those who are unable to attend will be able to see the video in full posted HERE.

NOVEMBER 4th-5th, 2020: “Coming to Terms with Limits and Uncertainty” | Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum | Colorado Mesa University. Join this online gathering with keynote speaker Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez and highlights from Basin State Leaders and Tribal Leaders plus the multi-state Ag Producers' Roundtable. Find the agenda and a link to register HERE.

NOVEMBER 5th, 2020: Virtual Pollinator Summit | Colorado Pollinator Network | 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. This year internationally, nationally and regionally recognized pollinator experts will present and discuss the best way forward in pollinator conservation. Through this summit, a broad audience will come together from researchers, educators, land managers and policy experts to community organizers, homeowners and landowners to 1) explore the state of pollinator conservation in Colorado; 2) identify impediments to conservation action across disciplines; and 3) identify strategies to overcome the challenges of pollinator conservation here in Colorado and beyond. For more information and registration click HERE.

NOVEMBER 14th, 17th & 19th, 2020: The CU Center for Sustainable Landscapes and Communities (CSLC) and integral partners welcome you to join three, interactive webinars. These three webinars will align with the November launch of the first-ever ‘Boulder Ecosystems Trends Report.’ Each 90-minute session will feature a moderator and several invited guests, who will interact in a “living-room” style forum and will address questions and comments from participants. The goal is to engage individuals, community organizations and municipal partners to develop and promote strategies to enhance community awareness and action toward environmental sustainability.

To register:

All Three Webinars from Nov. 14th-19th (see times below)

Webinar 1: Climate & Soil Health on Sat., Nov. 14th 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Webinar 2: Watershed Health & Air Quality on Tues., Nov. 17th 11:30-1:00 p.m.

Webinar 3: Biodiversity & Urban Land Cover on Thurs., Nov. 19th 4:00-5:30 p.m.

NOVEMBER 19th, 2020: 12th Annual RMFI Fall ShinDIG | Virtual | 6:00-7:00 p.m. The 12th annual RMFI Fall ShinDIG will celebrate our season accomplishments, partners, and volunteers as well as give a preview of exciting projects we are planning for the 2021 field season. In addition, we will be premiering a new short film about RMFI created by Owner & Creative Director of SolMtn Studios, Brian Lewis! For more information and registration click HERE.

NOVEMBER 21st, 2020: Big Snow Bash | Friends of the Yampa & RiverWonderGrass | 6:30 p.m. Save the date! Thanks to a partnership with WinterWonderGrass, Big Snow Bash will be sure to entertain and excite. Buffalo Commons will be streaming LIVE from Old Town Pub! More details coming soon. Click HERE to learn more.

DECEMBER 8th-9th, 2020: “Ecotypes: Research, Policy & Practice.” | Southern Rockies Seed Network's 2020 Virtual Conference | 9:00-11:30 a.m. Dr. Francis Kilkenny, research biologist with the USFS, deliver the keynote address. With the recent fires still smoldering under a blanket of snow and restoration plans being considered, the presentations this year couldn’t be more pertinent. To register click HERE.

CANCELLED South Platte Forum. Check back for registration opening in 2021. Read more HERE.

JULY 19th-21st, 2021: American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2021 Land and Water Policy Specialty Conference | Denver. The 2021 Summer Specialty Conference will bring together stakeholders from various types of organizations and professions across multiple disciplines to address the design, integration, and implementation of the programs and research necessary to improve the connection of land and water planning and policy. For more information click HERE.

OCTOBER 11th-13th, 2021: Colorado Open Space Alliance Conference | Grand Hyatt in Vail.