Announcements Late September

River Network is looking for workshop proposals that include a combination of instruction and interactive training, that leverage lessons learned and proven approaches, and involve engaging speakers. We seek to accelerate the pace of progress toward a sustainable and equitable water future through River Rally’s learning opportunities. The deadline for all workshop proposals has been EXTENDED to October 15th, 2020. Workshops will be selected by October 31st, 2020, with final confirmations by all speakers completed by or before November 15th, 2020. Please review the guidelines and instructions below and consider submitting a workshop proposal for River Rally 2021. Click HERE for more information.

Each year, up to five individuals are selected as River Heroes, honored and celebrated at River Rally. Awardees are exceptional due to their significant and extraordinary work related to river conservation and/or water advocacy. Their achievements relate to the key issues fundamental to solving today’s water crisis and expanding our understanding of the evolving social context of water. Submit your nomination materials through the online nomination form before Tuesday, October 30th, 2020.

Faced with the challenge of traveling and touring in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, the Colorado Departments of Agriculture and Natural Resources invite all who are experiencing the impacts of drought, particularly in agriculture, to submit their drought-related stories online through a dedicated “Drought Virtual Tour” website managed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board.

Eleven Mile State Park is experiencing natural algae blooms that may be harmful to dogs and humans as a result of a number of things including warmer temperatures, stagnant waters and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus coming into the reservoir. For more information on blue-green algae, please click HERE, or watch this video from CPW's water quality section that explains blue-green algae.

A newly completed multi-year construction project now lets both boaters and fish travel the Arkansas River from Leadville to Cañon City. Read more in Colorado Outdoors.

After careful consideration of current spearfishing regulations and a large volume of email, phone calls and public meeting comments, Colorado Parks and Wildlife aquatic biologists have opted to maintain the state's current spearfishing regulations. No proposed changes to the existing regulations will be moved forward to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission at this time. For more information visit HERE.

Upper Colorado River Watershed Update. August 2020

US Water Prize for Outstanding Public Sector Organization: Denver Water. Click HERE to read the full article from US Water Alliance.

Crop Residue Management and Water | Colorado Ag Water Alliance | Webinar. Watch the recent webinar with CSU's Joel Schneekloth on crop residue management HERE.

Arapahoe County Open Spaces wants to hear what you think of their parks, trails and open spaces as part of their Master Plan update. Download their new #YouthACOS adventure workbook today! It’s loaded with activities, from writing prompts to photography tips and a call for photos. The workbook is geared toward kids ages 7-12, but kids of all ages will find it fun! For questions or to request hardcopies, please contact

Check out this virtual tour of Colorado Water Trust’s Hat Creek project by Tony LaGreca! Hat Creek is home to native Colorado Cutthroat Trout and a sport fishery. Click HERE to view the video. Click HERE for more information about the project on their website.

Colorado Water Conservation Board has released the first draft report summarizing the past year of its Demand Management Feasibility Investigation. The draft report is available online along with a survey for public comment, which will remain open until August 28th, 2020. Colorado Water Conservation Board will also be hosting a virtual public workshop on August 26th to walk through report highlights, present next steps, and answer questions. Learn More HERE!

The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) received a water court decree for an instream flow water right on Himes Creek, located in San Juan National Forest, to protect a rare population of Colorado River cutthroat trout… Read More

Learn how the Platte River Recovery Implementation Program conserves targeted species on CWCB’s new podcast series. Now available on YouTube.

Cherry Creek State Park is experiencing natural algae blooms that may be harmful to dogs and humans as a result of a number of things including warmer temperatures, stagnant waters, and nutrient loading from fertilized lawns. The park has closed the swim area due to elevated levels of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) growth. To read CPW’s full article, click HERE.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is encouraging trout anglers statewide to consider fishing early in the day and in higher altitude lakes and streams as hot, dry conditions and reduced water levels may increase stress to trout populations. To read the full article click HERE.

Read Water Education Colorado’s Headwaters Summer Issue: Keeping Up With Aging Infrastructure HERE.

WaterNow Alliance is conducting a survey of municipal decision-makers, managers and water utility staff on key water supply issues facing Colorado’s communities. Your input is important to their work and you are encouraged to participate. WaterNow Alliance is a nonprofit network of local water leaders supporting sustainable, affordable, and climate resilient water solutions with a special focus on Colorado. This survey is intended to help them better understand your water supply priorities and interests and the potential for implementing ATMs in Colorado. If you are not familiar with ATMs, please don’t let that prevent you from taking the survey – that’s exactly the type of information they’re looking for! To participate click HERE.