Trainings & Workshops Early October

OCTOBER 3rd-4th, 2020 | Habitats: Dolores River | Wildlands Restoration Volunteers. Restore riparian habitat on this spectacular river by planting native riparian species and removing invasive tamarisk. You will camp out near the river, and spend a few days working to restore a critical riparian area in the desert. The Dolores River has been infested with tamarisk, and this project is part of a larger effort to improve habitat along the river. Click HERE for more information and to register.

OCTOBER 8th-9th, 2020 | Project Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities | EUCI | Online Course. Project Management for Water and Wastewater Utilities will cover the hard basics of defining and closing a project while driving home the importance of refining the skills that bring an idea from the drawing board to your residents’ backyard. This course will enable you to assess the feasibility of a project and define (or define your plan). The instructor will layout strategies for piloting a project, identifying new opportunities, mitigating risks, promoting your team to take ownership of their work, and defining the intangibles of customer communication. Click HERE for more information.

OCTOBER 13th, 2020: “Main Steps and Considerations for Developing Stream Restoration that will be Viable in the Long Run” | RiversEdge West | Webinar | 11:00 a.m. Successful riparian restoration hinges on understanding the stream corridor, which consists of three main elements: stream channel (aquatic zone), floodplain (riparian zone), and transitional upland zone. As part of this live webinar, Mark will introduce the guidebook, its diverse authors, case studies, and review the main steps and considerations for successfully restoring damaged stream ecosystems, including the riparian zone. For more information click HERE.

OCTOBER 27th, 2020: “Adapting Your Stream Restoration Project to Climate Change” | RiversEdge West | Webinar | 11:00 a.m. Climate change is real, occurring rapidly, and has to be taken into account when developing stream restoration. As the second part of this two-part webinar series on stream restoration, Mark Briggs (Restoration Coordinator, RiversEdge West) will discuss climate change issues and strategies that stream practitioners can use to improve the likelihood of restoration success in the context of a rapidly changing climate. For more information click HERE.

NOVEMBER 14th-15th, 2020: Rivers: Willow Planting on the Poudre | Wildlands Restoration Volunteers. Join in November at CSU's Environmental Learning Center on the Poudre River! On this weekend, we will be planting willows to help prevent erosion of a cut bank. This will help keep the river in its channel and protect the facilities at the ELC. For more information click HERE.

Water Studies Certificate and Courses | Metropolitan State University of Denver. MSU Denver’s Water Studies Certificate is designed for professionals who want to protect this valuable resource and teaches students the history, law, management, and trends of water in Colorado and the American West. The certificate presents an opportunity to increase your skillset and broaden your marketability during this unknown time. Since the courses are entirely self-paced, you can complete the certificate while working through adjustments at home. These include unpredictable work schedules, home learning for children, or care of a loved one. For more information and registration click HERE.

“Storm-water Treatment Systems and Green Infrastructure” | Hermit’s Peak Watershed Alliance. Educational video discusses stormwater treatment systems and green infrastructure. Click HERE to view.

“Returning Rapids Project: A discussion with Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff” | Colorado River Studies. The Returning Rapids Project seeks to document the recovery of river resources once inundated by a full Lake Powell, and now being exposed as reservoir storage declines. Peter Lefebvre and Mike DeHoff, principal investigators of the Returning Rapids project and professional river guides in Moab, Utah, are working to record these changes. They will share their preliminary findings and matched photographs in the talk. Watch the full video HERE.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

“Water: We Need It; It Needs Us” | American Rivers | Podcast. Learn more about Colorado's Stream Management Plans, an innovative planning tool prioritized in Colorado’s Water Plan, from people working with stakeholder groups and communities across Colorado to put them in place. Listen to the full podcast on Soundcloud HERE.