Conferences & Events Late June

JUNE 23rd, 2021, 5:30-7:30pm | Is There Enough Water In the Colorado River to Meet Everyone's Needs? | Roaring Fork Conservancy. Our legal mechanisms for allocating water in the Colorado River Basin are being tested by a significant decline in flows over the last two decades. While the future remains uncertain for how everyone will receive their water, what is certain is that we are using more than the river provides, and coming to a consensus on the solution continues to be both complex and challenging. Join us for this interactive discussion as we delve into the history of interstate and international water allocation in the Colorado River Basin. Click HERE for more information and to register.

JULY 11th-16th, 2021 | Camp Rocky. This is an educational, week long residential camp for 14 through 19 year old’s who enjoy the outdoors and are interested in natural resources! Camp is located outside Divide, Colorado. Camp Rocky’s professional staff helps participants learn about their environment through hands-on experiences. Students work in teams, making new friends from across Colorado. Scholarships are available. Click HERE to learn more about this unique opportunity.

JULY 19th-21st, 2021: American Water Resources Association (AWRA) 2021 Land and Water Policy Specialty Conference | Denver. The 2021 Summer Specialty Conference will bring together stakeholders from various types of organizations and professions across multiple disciplines to address the design, integration, and implementation of the programs and research necessary to improve the connection of land and water planning and policy. For more information click HERE.

JULY 27th, 2021 | Water Fluency | Water Education Colorado. The Water Fluency program offers immersion in the language of water as well as tools for navigating the culture, complexity, and future of water management and policy issues. Water intersects all issues that communities are facing. Water is crucial for the economy, tourism, public health, and the environment—but it isn’t always clear how the decisions made on water trickle down to affect other sectors. Click HERE to register and for more information.

SEPTEMBER 8th-10th, 2021 | Yampa Basin Rendezvous. Warming temperatures and rising snowlines pose serious risks to the boreal, alpine, and riverine ecosystems of the Yampa River Basin. How are we, as a community, measuring the existing seasonal variability and adapting to manage the impacts of current and expected seasonal changes? This question was at the forefront of the 2020 Yampa Basin Rendezvous. Click HERE for more information.

SEPTEMBER 21st-23rd, 2020 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. Deadline for Presentation Proposals has Been Extended until March 5th, 2021. Registration coming soon. For more information click HERE.

OCTOBER 11th-13th, 2021: Colorado Open Space Alliance Conference | Grand Hyatt in Vail.

DECEMBER 1st & 2nd, 2021: South Platte Forum. Check back for registration opening in 2021. Read more HERE.