Conferences & Events Early February

FEBRUARY 12th, 2022, 9am-1pm | Guided Snowshoe/Ski Tour of the Red Mountain Mining District | Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership. UWP is bringing back this popular trip guided by Don Paulson – author, historian and curator of the Ouray Historical Society. Come learn about our mining history and water quality issues in the upper Uncompahgre River Watershed. Find more details and register here.

FEBRUARY 15th-March 15th, 2022 | Science Behind the Scenery Webinar Series. Rocky Mountain National Park is hosting a virtual Science Behind the Scenery Webinar Series in lieu of its traditional Biennial Research Conference. Each webinar will highlight research that supports high-priority resource management initiatives in the park. Researchers will present for 15 minutes each followed by a Question & Answer session during which time audience members can engage with presenters. A representative from Rocky Mountain National Park will be available to discuss applications of the research. Click here to view the full schedule and details.

FEBRUARY 23rd, 2022, 5:30-8:30 pm | Seed Starter Workshop & Seed Swap | Women In Sustainability. Join this event held at the Modern Nomad with expert gardener Katrina Karczewski with Grateful Garden LLC. Katrina will walk us through the steps to starting a successful garden while the winter months are still upon us. She will provide tips on how to properly start your garden indoors followed by a Q&A session to help with all of your pre-season garden jitters! Containers and dirt are provided and there will be some starter seeds available. Click here to register.

FEBRUARY 23rd-25th, 2022 | 20th Anniversary Riparian Restoration Conference: 2020 Learning from the Last 20 Years; Planning for the Next | RiversEdge West. This year's conference will take place in a hybrid format, with the option to attend in person or virtually. Whether you’ll join us in person or on-screen, we're excited to welcome you as we "Learn from the last 20 years and plan for the next".Poster abstracts are now due January 23, 2022. Email your poster abstract to Cara at  Click here for more information about the conference.

FEBRUARY 26th, 2022, 10am-11:30am | How to Start Seeds Indoors | Denver Urban Gardens. Want to start your own seedlings this year? It’s cheaper than buying transplants and you can start unusual varieties that you may not find elsewhere. In this workshop, we will guide you through the process and set you up for success. Learn when to start different seeds, how to plant, water, thin, maintain and provide correct lighting. Click here for more information.

FEBRUARY 26th, 2022, 9am-1pm | Guided Snowshoe/Ski Tour of Winter Wildlife up Red Mountain Pass | Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership. Join Wildlife Biologist Steve Boyle for an adventure on snowshoes or nordic skis to a winter wonderland where you will discover animal tracks and winter wildlife. Moderate difficulty level (elevation: 8,000-plus). Find more details and register here.

MARCH 19th, 2022, 6:30-9pm | A Benefit for the Uncompahgre River – Fly Fishing Film Tour. Come out to enjoy fun and inspiring films about outdoor adventure and conservation through the love of fly fishing, and support projects that protect and restore your local river. This year’s venue is the Ouray County Event Center to provide lots of elbow room! Masks currently required – stay tuned for updates. 100% of proceeds go to the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership for maintenance and improvement of riparian areas, fish habitat and recreation areas. Sponsored by RIGS Fly Shop & Guide Service. Click here for more information.

JULY 11th-29th, 2022 | Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) Colloquium | The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E). The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) would like to announce the Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) Colloquium, which will be held 11-29 July 2022 at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California. Scholarships for travel expenses are available. The application deadline is February 1st 2022. Read more and apply here.