Announcements Early August

Rocky Mountain Adaptation: Adapting to Climate Change the Colorado Way. In episode 166 of America Adapts, Doug Parsons hosts adaptation experts from Colorado. We learn how extreme storm events have been a major driver in adaptation planning in the state. Discover the most pressing climate impacts facing Colorado

Special Report: Colorado, New Mexico struggle to save the blistered Rio Grande, with lessons for other drought-strapped rivers

Comment on the Colorado Water Plan Update by September 30th. The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) released a draft of the 2023 Colorado Water Plan for a 90-day public comment period, ending September 30th. The public can read and make comments here.

Earth-Inspired Book Reviews - If you are hoping to feel inspired and empowered, enjoy immersing in one of these fantastic nature, sustainability and conservation books recommended by Cool Green Science.

RiversEdge West has released their 2021 Annual Report.