Announcements Late January

The Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (CWSRF and DWSRF) represent the largest source of federal funding for water infrastructure. The SRFs are intended to support communities across the country by increasing their financial capacity to take on large water infrastructure projects, addressing everything from outdated and leaking pipes to increasing the storage capacity of their water treatment plant to ensure continuous delivery of safe and clean water to their residents. In practice, however, the communities most in need of these investments often face barriers to accessing these dollars. We want to change that. Read more and access the complete SRF Advocacy Toolkit.

The WWTP Design Generator is a one-of-a-kind tool for the water and infrastructure industries. It's a highly advanced software design tool for creating engineering designs for wastewater treatment facilities. The WWTP design tool offers environmental engineers, EPC professionals, technology vendors, and utility companies preliminary designs for wastewater facilities in just 8 hours. Try the WWTP design generator for FREE and take a real-time analytical approach to choosing the best wastewater treatment plant design, as opposed to the traditional wait time of two weeks or more for each iteration.

Boulder County Parks & Open Space and the Sheriff’s Office Fire Management Program have started slash pile burning at Sherwood Gulch, one of a handful of locations planned for this winter. There are approximately 400 wood piles total for all locations. The vast majority, 300+, are at Caribou Ranch and Sherwood Gulch. There are also plans for prescribed burning at Hall Ranch. Burn window set for Jan. 3 – April 15. Burns can occur any time during the window. Learn more here.

In June 2022, CDPHE launched Colorado EnviroScreen Version 1.0. CO EnviroScreen is an interactive, bilingual, online environmental justice mapping tool. It identifies and visualizes places with environmental health disparities in Colorado. Colorado EnviroScreen is a tool for everyone. So join to learn more about how to use it! CDPHE is hosting an online Colorado EnviroScreen learning workshop for community members: