Trainings & Workshops Early February

February 15th, 2024 | Watershed Planning 101 Webinar | River Network. This webinar will introduce watershed planning and the basic elements to consider as you get started with watershed planning in your community. Participants will learn from examples of watershed planning processes presented by Southwest Decision Resources, an Arizona-based team of facilitation and collaboration professionals that support effective collaboration and equitable engagement in natural resource, community, and public policy issues. This webinar is presented by River Network and Colorado Water Conservation Board.

February 19th-20th, 2024 | Principles of Irrigation: Landscape | Colorado WaterWise. Master fundamental theory and application principles for turf and landscape in this intensive session for experienced irrigators (taught in Imperial units). Two full days cover soil-water-plant relationships, advanced hydraulics, electricity, pumps, specialty valves and irrigation equipment. Recommended review for the certified irrigation designer (CID) general landscape/turf exam.

February 21st, 2024 | Advanced Irrigation Design & Management | Colorado WaterWise. Improve landscape water efficiency with better design, including uniformity, equipment selection and technology. This full-day session will address advanced concepts for irrigation designers, contractors, water purveyors, suppliers and other irrigation professionals.

February 26th, 2024 | Facilitating Naturally | Wild Rose Education. Are you looking for tools and strategies to facilitate outreach programs, train colleagues, and instruct workshops? You know the technical content, yet you are not a practiced facilitator or instructor perhaps. Our workshops guide you in becoming a more effective instructor and facilitator of community and adult learning experiences. Come with an idea of an actual outreach activity that you want to design from scratch or edit and improve with new facilitation strategies you will learn.

April 15th-17th, 2024 | After the Flames | Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. After the Flames is a first-of-its-kind Conference and Workshop devoted to post-fire recovery. Attendees represent individuals, organizations, and agencies impacted by wildfire and responding to the post-fire impacts, as well as experts in the arena of post-fire recovery.

Leave No Trace 101 Course. This is an introduction to Leave No Trace and the actions we can collectively take to protect our planet. In this course we share helpful information with a simple framework of minimum impact practices to apply when spending time outdoors.

Watershed Academy’s new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module Ready - The EPA Watershed Academy has released their new Hazard Mitigation Planning and Water Resource Management Module. This module is intended for water quality and hazard mitigation professionals that are interested in integrating water quality issues and/or nature-based solutions into state or local Hazard Mitigation Plans (HMPs), and highlights the benefits of working across water quality and hazard mitigation programs. Modules in this series can be used as training tools to help planners from both worlds explore activities of mutual interest and benefit. Case studies and examples are provided to assist hazard mitigation planners with integrating water resource programs into HMPs and help watershed planners understand the synergies between water resource plans and HMPs.Visit this link to begin the course!

Colorado Water and the American West teaches students about the rich history of water in the Western United States, how native communities used it, and the American approach to water management. The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In the American West, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River, now listed as one of the most endangered rivers in America. MSU Denver developed the non credit Professional Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Taught by MSU Denver faculty, courses are one month long, fully online, and self-paced to accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership presents 14 videos to help community members learn about how water is managed, restored and monitored in the upper Uncompahgre River watershed. Take advantage of this education resource to learn about your watershed including mine reclamation, water monitoring, recreational use, water conservation, drinking water and waste water treatment and distribution, aquatic life, water scarcity, agricultural use, management, infrastructure, and more. Watch the video series here.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers live and online courses that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

Non-standard MS4 Permit PDD Template and Program Strategy Templates. SPLASH members and SEMSWA worked with CP Compliance to create resources to educate permittees. It may also assist permittees with implementation of the new Non-standard MS4 Permit. Please click HERE to access the material.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.