Conferences & Events Late May

May 18th, 2024 | Sand Canyon Wildflower Hike | San Juan Mountains Association. Celebrate Colorado Public Lands Day by joining us on a guided, spring wildflower hike at Sand Canyon. We will be going for a hike (no more than 5 miles) on moderate terrain. Along the way we will observe and learn about the flowers in bloom, as well as learn about the area’s geology and human history.

May 22nd-24th, 2024 | Rocky Mountain Mining & Reclamation Conference | Mountain Studies Institute. The event will be hosted at a variety of iconic Leadville locations, including Freight, Colorado Mountain College, and Tabor Opera House. There will be a keynote and meet and greet on the evening of Wednesday, May 22nd. Thursday, May 23rd, will be technical talks followed by a reception. Lastly, a variety of tours are scheduled for Friday, May 24th.

May 29th & 30th, 2024 | Yampa Basin Rendezvous. The Rendezvous will include morning talks by expert panelists and practitioners, lunch, afternoon field learning, and an evening community showcase and happy hour event. Join us if you are a community member, landowner, water and natural resource professional, student, or water-dependent business.

June 1st, 2024 | Runoff Party | Roaring Fork Conservancy. Learn to tie a fly, get a refresher on river etiquette & safety, take home a free River User Guide, fine tune your fly casting, compete in games of skill and knowledge for prizes, take an up-close look at macroinvertebrates (fish food!), listen to a reading of Dee Dee the Fryingpan River Dipper and more!

June 4th-5th, 2024 | Upper Arkansas River Basin Tour | WEco. Join more than 50 other water professionals, agricultural producers, elected officials, educators, students, and interested community members to travel the region in style, riding on our coach bus. Along the way, you'll learn about the water development history, unique characteristics, water management challenges, and current exciting projects underway in the Upper Arkansas River Basin between Leadville and Pueblo. Plus network with your fellow tour participants as you share this exciting and rewarding educational experience together.

June 6th-7th, 2024 | Conference on the Colorado River | Water & Tribes Initiative. For many years, full reservoirs on the Colorado River made for relative peace and stability among the basin’s major water users, despite lingering concerns over environmental degradation, unfulfilled promises to Tribal Nations, and the eventual consequences of water over-allocation and overuse.  That era has abruptly ended, challenging the authors of modern Colorado River policy to quickly draft new chapters stabilizing the system through 2026, directing post-2026 reservoir operations, and articulating the long-term vision and strategies for achieving a healthy, sustainable and equitable river system.  It is a formidable, multi-faceted agenda being addressed in many ways.

June 20th, 2024 | Take me to the River | Coalition for the Poudre River. Join for the 2nd Annual Take Me to the River fundraiser to support and celebrate the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed (CPRW), your local watershed group working to improve and maintain the ecological health of the Poudre River through community collaboration.

June 21, 2024 | Watershed Summit | One World Water Center. The Watershed Summit, or “Shed” as it is affectionately known, has become a Colorado tradition. Each June stakeholders gather to discuss current and future water challenges and opportunities facing the state. This event is produced through a collaborative partnership between the One World One Water Center (a joint initiative of Metropolitan State University of Denver and Denver Botanic Gardens), Aurora Water, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Denver Water and Resource Central.

July 11th, 2024 | Denver Water Operations Complex Tour. Come learn about Denver Water's 35-acre Operations Complex. This operationally efficient campus was designed to showcase the future of sustainable, urban water use. The complex models a One Water strategy with onsite wastewater treatment that provides water for flushing toilets, rainwater capture for irrigation, and passive stormwater management. The 1.5- hour tour focuses on the LEED Platinum-certified Administration Building, which is net zero energy, offset with 1.3 MW of onsite solar power.

August 11th, 2024 | CSU Spur Hydro and Terra Buildings Green Roof Tour. Join for a tour of the 7500 square foot green roof on the Hydro and Terra Buildings at the CSU Spur Campus. Made up of 8 layers of material, this vegetated green roof absorbs rainwater and reduces stormwater run-off. Additionally, water from the roof is collected and piped directly into the water tap for research, directed to the ground level into a bioswale, and used for irrigation on other areas of the property.

September 4th-6th, 2024 | Colorado Forest Collaboratives Summit | Save the Date.

September 5th, 2024 | 2024 Water Conservation Symposium | Save the Date.

September 11th-13th, 2023 | San Luis Rural Philanthropy Days. Save the date.

September 20th, 2024 | The Colorado River District’s Annual Water Seminar. Save the date.

October 1-4th, 2024 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference | Save the Date

October 4th-6th, 2024 | Rocky Mountain Cell Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip. Come explore the paleoclimatology and geomorphology of central Utah! This Friends of the Pleistocene (FOP) trip is motivated by recent and ongoing research into how one of the world’s greatest landscapes developed. Presenters will focus on Quaternary features and highlight recent and ongoing research into how the extraordinary features of this region developed.