Announcements Late June

From June 11 to July 9, 2024, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is seeking public feedback on the draft process to select the Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) to help determine which species are a conservation priority in the 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP).  Public feedback will be accepted online via the EngageCPW website . This is the first opportunity for input on the 2025 SWAP, but there will be others throughout the planning process. The draft SWAP is due to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in September 2025. CPW posted an SGCN Draft Selection Criteria to gather input from the public on how CPW will identify and categorize species. Species include amphibians, birds, fish, mammals, mollusks and crustaceans, and reptiles. CPW is still developing the process to determine the SGCN for plants and Invertebrates. For more information on CPW’s mission and conservation work, visit

Colorado Parks and Wildlife announces expansion of Aira to state parks - To continue advancing Governor Polis’s goal of a Colorado for All, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is pleased to announce the expansion of Aira availability to the state parks system. Aira is a digital tool to help Coloradans and visitors who are blind or have low vision access state services in real time. The Aira Explorer mobile app provides access to visual interpreters when navigating state-operated locations and digital services, including state parks. Through the Governor’s Office of Information Technology’s (OIT) Technology Accessibility Program (TAP), Aira provides free 30-minute sessions and users can connect for additional sessions if needed.  Aira promotional video from Chatfield State Park highlights the partnership between Aira and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Learn more about how to access and use Aira at Download the app from your mobile device via the Apple Store or Google Play and let your friends and family know about this beneficial service.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is excited to announce a new category of fishable waters called Colorado Quality Waters. These 53 lakes and streams contain productive, quality fisheries with public access, providing a top-tier experience for anglers. CPW’s talented team of fish management biologists identified and nominated these waters based on fish sampling records, surveys, and professional biological assessments. The waters were nominated for providing exceptional angling opportunities for one species or a variety of species. View a list of Colorado Quality Waters here.

A Colorado State Revolving Fund transfer of Wastewater Emerging Contaminants Funds Q & A session is set for June 27, 2024. The Colorado State Revolving Fund (SRF) program intends to pursue an SRF transfer that will include moving Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) emerging contaminants funds from the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (WPCRF) to the Drinking Water Revolving Fund (DWRF). This decision is based on the current lack of demand for wastewater EC funding versus a higher demand for drinking water EC funding. All are invited to attend a virtual presentation and Q & A session on June 27, 2024 with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment for additional information on the planned transfer of EC funds at 11:00 a.m. This link will be your admittance to the session. No registration is needed. The meeting will discuss the planned transfer and the reasons behind it. There will be plenty of opportunities for questions and comments.