Conferences & Events Late October

October 21st & 28th, 2022 | Rainbarrel Workshops. Ready to install a rain barrel? SPLASH has partnered with the Colorado Stormwater Center to present two rain barrel workshops in October! Each workshop will include a presentation from the Colorado Stormwater Center and then assistance with building your 55-gallon rain barrel. At the end of the workshop, you will have a 55-gallon rain barrel and connector kit. We also will send you an installation guide to connect your new rain barrel to a downspout. You will need to be able to take home your rain barrel at the end of the workshop. Sorry, but we will not be able to store your rain barrel for pick up at a later date.

October 26th, 2022, 9am-4pm | 2022 Water Conservation Symposium | Colorado WaterWise. Colorado WaterWise invites you to the 2022 Water Conservation Symposium! Join more than 100 other water professionals from across Colorado for a day packed with networking, professional development and engagement. Don't miss out on the early bird pricing for both members and non-members.

October 27th, 2022 | Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network. Colorado Forest Collaboratives Network was inspired by successes at past annual Forest Collaboratives Summits. The Network will take the lead on hosting this important annual event with planning support from Coalitions and Collaboratives, Inc., Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed, Fire Adapted Colorado, Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, Colorado State Forest Service, and others. Registration is free and will open this week.

October 28th, 2022 | Rio Reels Film Festival | Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project. The event involves a film festival that celebrates rivers and the joys they bring to our lives, along with silent auctions featuring local offerings from business and artists, outdoor gear, and more! While the event will still be accessible virtually, this year we will host an in-person watch party on October 28th at the Ski Hi Complex in Monte Vista, CO. The in-person event, starting at 6 pm, will include tasty food and drinks, along with entry to win one of our exciting door prizes! For our virtual attendees, the Rio Reels film show kicks off at 7 PM online via QUIDIO.

November 2nd-3rd, 2022 | Water in the West Symposium | CSU Spur. As in past years, the Water in the West Symposium will bring together speakers and audiences from across sectors — from utilities and government agencies, to businesses and agriculture. The conference is back in a hybrid format this year, sharing best practices and connecting professionals — both inside and outside the water sector — in pursuit of multi-sector, non-partisan solutions to water challenges.

November 7th-8th, 2022 | Annual Colorado Groundwater Conference | American Ground Water Trust. The annual Colorado Groundwater Conference is an objective, information-exchange event and networking opportunity for water managers, regulators, environmental organizations, agriculture, industry and water utility end users and their scientific, engineering and legal advisors, local government officials and state legislators. This is AGWT's 29th program in Colorado since 2000.

November 17, 2022 | RMFI Fall ShinDIG. Come celebrate with with RMFI as they look back on the season's accomplishments and honor their amazing partners and volunteers! The event is free to attend in person; we'll also offer a free livestream for our out-of-state supporters. Food and drink will also be provided along with live music, awards, and celebration!

November 19th, 2022 | Big Snow Bash | Friends of the Yampa. Save the date!

December 8th, 2022 | South Platte Forum. This year, the South Platte Forum will be taking place at a new location, the Lionsgate Event Center. Lionsgate is a locally owned venue with idyllic scenery. You can read more about their story here. Building off the positive feedback from 2021, we will once again host a one-day conference on Thursday December 8, 2022. As always, the Forum will include a full agenda of timely topics and expert speakers.

April 11th-14th, 2023 | Colorado Wildland Fire Conference. Save the date!