Trainings & Workshops Late October

October 20th, 2022, 12-1:15pm | Stream Management Plans: 101 | River Network. Join River Network and the Colorado Water Conservation Board to learn the basics of Stream Management Planning. Stream Management Plans (SMPs) are a priority activity in Colorado as a result of the state’s 2015 Water Plan, which called for 80% of locally-prioritized streams to have an SMP by 2030.

October 20th, 2022, 9am-12pm | Becoming a High Performing Nonprofit Board | Community Resource Center. Participants will learn the importance of serving on a nonprofit board and the expectations of each and every board member. Discussions will include meeting agendas, financial responsibilities, strategic planning, asking for money, recruiting new board members, and when it’s time to cycle off the board. In addition to board members, this training is also valuable for executive directors and any staff interested in increasing their knowledge of nonprofit governance.

October 20th, 2022 | Stream Management Plans 101. Are you interested in learning whether a Stream Management Plan is a good fit for your community? Join River Network and the Colorado Water Conservation Board to learn the basics of Stream Management Planning. Stream Management Plans (SMPs) are a priority activity in Colorado as a result of the state’s 2015 Water Plan, which called for 80% of locally-prioritized streams to have an SMP by 2030. Twenty-six communities have so far begun an SMP – should yours be next? SMPs are created when stakeholders convene to evaluate the biological, hydrological, geomorphological, and other ecological conditions of their local river to identify flow needs to support environmental and recreational water uses. SMPs are voluntary and customizable activities that Basins throughout the state are welcome to undertake and can be supported by funding from the Colorado Water Conservation Board Watershed Restoration Grant Program and local matching sources

October 23rd, 2022, 9:20-12:30 pm | Build Your Farm and Ranch Land Transfer Toolbox with Colorado Guidestone. With or without a property lined up, the work of transferring agricultural land from one owner or steward to the next requires knowing what tools will move the process forward. This includes what questions to ask, the types of documents to gather, understanding the differences in business structures, the legal tools available, and so much more. In this workshop, we will help you identify the business and legal tools that can work for your current or future situation. Join us to be better prepared for accepting or initiating a farm or ranch land transfer.

October 26th, 2022 | Water Law In A Nutshell Full Day Course. This full day seminar will cover all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject matter includes the appropriation, perfection, use, limitations, attributes, abandonment and enforcement of various types of water rights. Additional subject matter will include special rules for groundwater, public rights in appropriated water, Federal and interstate compacts and more.

October 26th, 2022 | Intro to NRDC and NCLC’s Water Affordability Advocacy Toolkit. This webinar will present a new Water Affordability Advocacy Toolkit published by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and National Consumer Law Center (NCLC).

October 28th, 2022 | Noxious Weed Management & Pesticide Applicator Workshop. Join Morgan Conservation District and Mountain West Pest on November 2nd! This workshop will provide all seven required core credits for pesticide applicator license recertification and one credit in Rangeland (107). This workshop is recommended for those needing pesticide recertification credits or those wanting information about controlling noxious weeds.

November 28th & 29th, 2022 | Colorado CSI MS4 Webinar. Designed for Municipal personnel, System (MS4) permits regulations and compliance to restore and maintain the waters of the United States.  Permits require certifying officials to select qualified stormwater personnel. Gain an in-depth understanding of stormwater permits, the six minimum control measures, how to conduct inspections, and the authority, demeanor, and discretion of stormwater inspectors to enhance your credentials. This class focuses on Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Graduates of the Certified Stormwater Inspector course receive certification for 5 years and continuing education units, and ongoing, unlimited support of the National Stormwater Center. Graduates of our course will have access to valuable information on our website along with an invitation to FREE monthly CSI Network discussions.

November 10th, 2022 | Colorado Fluvial Hazard Mapping Program Training Module 2. Building off of Module 1 we will apply an understanding of the hydrologic, geomorphic, and biotic context of a stream corridor system to determine geomorphic trajectory and sensitivity. We will then apply this context to delineating FHZ mapping components based on the methods outlined in the Colorado Water Conservation Board FHZ Mapping Protocol (v1.0). We will learn and apply GIS tools for mapping the FHZ and also conduct a field trip in which we will make and integrate field based observations into our FHZ delineations.

Colorado Water and the American West teaches students about the rich history of water in the Western United States, how native communities used it, and the American approach to water management. The western United States is a region with a long history of water challenges. In the American West, over 40 million people depend on the Colorado River, now listed as one of the most endangered rivers in America. MSU Denver developed the non credit Professional Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Taught by MSU Denver faculty, courses are one month long, fully online, and self-paced to accommodate the schedules of busy professional students.

The Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership presents 14 videos to help community members learn about how water is managed, restored and monitored in the upper Uncompahgre River watershed. Take advantage of this new education resource to learn about your watershed including mine reclamation, water monitoring, recreational use, water conservation, drinking water and waste water treatment and distribution, aquatic life, water scarcity, agricultural use, management, infrastructure, and more. Watch the video series here.

Master Irrigator Program- San Luis Valley. Over four sessions, this 32-hour program reviews water law and administration, history of water development, and gives participants the tools and strategies to improve water and energy use efficiency and conservation, soil health, and profitability on their operations. Those who complete the course will also receive a $2,000 stipend. To be eligible for this course you must farm in either Rio Grande, Alamosa, Costilla, Conejos, Saguache or Mineral County. Details will be available soon here.

The American Stormwater Institute, LLC now offers courses in a live setting and online that deal with developing the knowledge and skills required to conduct stormwater inspections. Our courses are based on a “Real World” attitude of finding implementable solutions to the challenges that stormwater inspectors face every day. The state and federal regulations require that “QUALIFIED PERSONS” conduct inspections related to stormwater permits. The overarching goal of the ASI classes is to ensure that our students are well qualified to conduct these inspections. For a list of all classes offered click HERE.

Non-standard MS4 Permit PDD Template and Program Strategy Templates. SPLASH members and SEMSWA worked with CP Compliance to create resources to educate permittees. It may also assist permittees with implementation of the new Non-standard MS4 Permit. Please click HERE to access the material.

San Juan Expedition Avy Course based at Thelma Hut. The AIARE Avy 1 Hut Course is designed to give you a full introduction to backcountry travel. Based out of the Thelma hut on Red Mountain Pass, you will spend day and night with your peers and instructors learning the foundation of avalanche education. In a hut format, you spend more time skiing, more time learning from and observing your instructors, and more time in the mountains—all with lodging and food included. When you take your level one with San Juan Expeditions you will get hands-on experience analyzing the avalanche hazard and using your observations to make decisions in the field. Click HERE for more information.

MSU Denver developed the noncredit Water Studies courses for people interested in safeguarding this precious resource. Students will learn history, law, management, and water trends in Colorado and the American West. The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. The course structure has been redesigned for each class to be one month long to improve the learning experience and accommodate the schedules of busy professional students. Click HERE for more information.

Colorado Master Irrigator offers farmers and farm managers advanced training on conservation- and efficiency-oriented irrigation management practices and tools. This program is the product of efforts led by several local producers, district management representatives, and others. Colorado Master Irrigator is modeled on the award-winning Master Irrigator program created and run since 2016 by the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District in the Texas panhandle. Topic experts from Colorado and adjacent Ogallala states, serve as instructors over the 32 hours of the program. Colorado Master Irrigator's interactive class format is designed to encourage peer-to-peer exchange among participants and instructors, helping forge useful contacts that graduates can reach out to after their participation in the program. Click HERE for more information.

Silt Removal - Positive Impact on Crop Yields, Water Use Efficiency, & Irrigation Systems. Presentation from the 2021 World Ag Expo on sources of silt, its impacts, and current and new methods of removal. Watch the presentation here!