Blue River Watershed Group is soliciting Proposals for Design Services for the Blue River Habitat Restoration Project on the Blue River in Summit County, Colorado. The overall goal for the project is to prepare construction-ready documents and prepare the sponsors to obtain funding, permits, clearances, and approvals for construction on three miles of the river. The work generally consists of channel restoration for the benefit of fish habitat, recreation, and public access. A mandatory pre bid meeting will be held on 15 July 2024, bids due 2pm MST 15 August 2024
Scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Southwest Climate Hub and California Climate Hub have developed a browsable map-based tool that addresses water scarcity in the U.S. Southwest. The Water Adaptation Techniques Atlas (WATA) consolidates over 200 case studies on research and practices that water managers and producers can use to find location-specific and topical information to make informed decisions regarding water management.
The State Revolving Fund (SRF) is planning to improve how it prioritizes funding projects. The goal of this change is to equitably allow eligible water systems the chance to apply for SRF funding. This change is necessary due to increased demand on the program, combined with cuts to the SRF base funding from the EPA. Learn more about the upcoming changes HERE.
The EPA has released the fifth edition of the Climate Change Indicators in the United States report that documents how climate change is impacting the United States today, the significance of these changes, and their possible consequences for people, the environment, and society. Read the report HERE.
The EPA has released a Community Water System Service Area Boundaries map to describe the geographic area that receives drinking water from a given community water system. Knowing these boundaries help to connect water system data (such as, compliance status) with data about the populations that drink the water (such as, demographics). Ultimately, this data can be used to improve drinking water planning, environmental justice analysis, emergency response, and more. The service area boundary dataset includes both modeled and actual boundaries available for some states.